Praying Mantids meaning in different languages

How to say Praying Mantids in different languages. To learn languages, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life, and also play picture dictionary, play some games so you get not bored. If you think too hard to learn languages, then 1000 most common words will helps to learn languages easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. Here is a multilingual translation / multilingual dictionary of the word Praying Mantids with their pronunciation in English.

How to say Praying Mantids in different languages

Here is the translation of word Praying Mantids in different languages, Indian languages and other all languages are separated in alphabetical order, this will help to improve your languages. Here you learn meaning of Praying Mantids in 125+ languages.

Indian languages

Assamese প্ৰাৰ্থনা কৰা মান্টিডছ
Bengaliপ্রার্থনা Mantids
Gujaratiપ્રાર્થના મન્ટિડ
Hindiप्रार्थना करने वाले मंटिड्स
Kannadaಮಾಂಟಿಡ್ಸ್ ಪ್ರಾರ್ಥನೆ
Malayalamമന്തിഡുകൾ പ്രാർത്ഥിക്കുന്നു
MarathiMantids प्रार्थना
Odiaମାଣ୍ଟିଡସ୍ ପ୍ରାର୍ଥନା |
Punjabiਪ੍ਰਾਰਥਨਾ ਮੈਂਟਿਡਸ
Sanskritप्रार्थना मन्टिड्स
Tamilமந்திரிகள் பிரார்த்தனை
Teluguమాంటిడ్స్ ప్రార్థిస్తున్నారు
UrduMantids کی نماز

Read also:  A-Z Dictionary  |  Quiz  |  Vocabulary

Other languages

AlbanianMantids që luten
Amharic ማንቲድስን መጸለይ
Arabicصلاة السرعوف
Armenian Աղոթող Մանթիդներ
AymaraMantids sat mayisiña
AzerbaijaniDua edən Mantidlər
BambaraMantids minnu bɛ delili kɛ
BasqueMantide otoiztarrak
Belarusian Багамолы
Bhojpuriप्रार्थना करत बानी मंटिड्स
BosnianPraying Mantids
Burmese Mantids ဆုတောင်းခြင်း။
CatalanMàntides religioses
CebuanoNag-ampo nga Mantids
ChichewaKupemphera Mantids
CorsicanMantide prighere
DanishPraying Mantids
Dogriप्रार्थना मंटिड्स
EsperantoPreĝantaj Mantidoj
EstonianPalvetavad mantid
EweGbedodoɖa Mantids
FilipinoNagdarasal na Mantids
FinnishRukoilevat mantidit
FrenchMantes religieuses
GalicianMántides religiosas
Georgian მლოცველი მანტიდები
GreekΜαντίδες προσευχής
GuaraniOñembo’éva Mantids
Haitian CreoleMantid lapriyè
HausaAddu'ar Mantids
HawaiianPule Mantids

Read also:  Dictionary  |  Dictionary Quiz

Hebrewמנטידים מתפללים
HmongThov Vajtswv Mantids
HungarianImádkozó sáskák
IcelandicBæna Mantids
IgboMantids na-ekpe ekpere
IlocanoMantids nga Agkararag
IndonesianMantida Berdoa
IrishMantids ag guí
ItalianMantidi Religiose
JavanesePandonga Mantids
Kazakh Намаз оқитын мантидтер
Khmer ការអធិស្ឋាន Mantids
KinyarwandaGusenga Mantide
Konkaniप्रार्थना करपी मांटिड्स
KrioMantid dɛn we de pre
Kurmanji KurdishDuakirina Mantids
Kyrgyz Тиленүүчү мантиддер
Lao ອະທິຖານ Mantids
Latinorantes Mantids
LatvianPraying Mantids
LingalaMantids ya kobondela
LugandaOkusaba Mantids
LuxembourgishGebied Mantids
Macedonian Молитвени мантиди
Maithiliप्रार्थना मंटिड्स
MalagasyMantids mivavaka
MalayMantids Sembahyang
MaltesePraying Mantids
MaoriKarakia Mantids
MizoTawngtai Mantids
Mongolian Залбирдаг мантидууд
Nepaliप्रार्थना गर्दै Mantids
NorwegianPraying Mantids
OromoMantids Kadhannaa
Persianدعای مانتید

Read also:  Alphabets  |  Grammar

PolishModlące się modliszki
QuechuaMañakuq Mantids
RomanianMantidele rugătoare
RussianМолящиеся богомолы
SamoanMantids Tatalo
Scots GaelicMantids ùrnaigh
SepediMantids ya go Rapela
Serbian Праиинг Мантидс
SesothoHo Rapela Mantids
ShonaKunamata Mantids
Sindhiدعا گھرندڙ
Sinhala මැන්ටිඩ්ස් යාච්ඤා කිරීම
SomaliDucada Mantids
Sorani Kurdishنوێژکردن مانتیدز
SpanishMantis religiosas
SundaneseDoa Mantids
SwahiliMantids wanaoomba
SwedishPraying Mantids
Tajik Мантидҳои дуо
TatarМантидлар догасы
Thaiสวดมนต์ Mantids
Tigrinyaጸሎት ማንቲድስ
TsongaMantids yo khongela
TurkmenMantidler dogasy
TwiMpaebɔ Mantids
Ukrainian Богомоли
UyghurMantids نامىزى
UzbekIbodat qiluvchi mantidlar
VietnameseBọ ngựa cầu nguyện
WelshGweddïo Mantids
XhosaUkuthandaza Mntakwethu
Yiddish דאַוונען מאַנטידס
YorubaMantids gbigbadura

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