Human Body parts names in Amharic and English - Common Amharic Vocabulary

Learn common Amharic vocabulary with this English-to-Amharic list of Human Body parts names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Amharic language skills through popular words and play Amharic quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Amharic language, then the 1000 most common Amharic words will help you to learn the Amharic language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Human Body parts vocabulary words in Amharic.

Human Body parts names in Amharic and English - Common Amharic Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Human Body parts names in Amharic with English Pronunciation

Learn Human Body parts in Amharic, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Amharic vocabulary for daily conversations.

Human Body parts names - Amharic

Ankle ቁርጭምጭሚት k’urich’imich’imīti
Arm ክንድ kinidi
Armpit ብብት bibiti
Back ተመለስ temelesi
Beard ጢም t’īmi
Belly ሆድ hodi
Blood ደም demi
Body አካል ākali
Bone አጥንት āt’initi
Brain አንጎል ānigoli
Breast ጡት t’uti
Calf ጥጃ t’ija
Cheek ጉንጭ gunich’i
Chest ደረት dereti
Chin አገጭ āgech’i
Ear ጆሮ joro
Elbow ክርን kirini
Eye ዓይን ‘ayini
Eyebrow ቅንድብ k’inidibi
Eyelid የዐይን መሸፈኛ ye‘āyini meshefenya
Face ፊት fīti
Fingers ጣቶች t’atochi
Fist ቡጢ but’ī
Foot እግር igiri
Forehead ግንባር ginibari
Hair ፀጉር t͟s’eguri
Hand እጅ iji
Head ጭንቅላት ch’inik’ilati
Heart ልብ libi
Heel ተረከዝ terekezi
Hip ሂፕ hīpi
Intestine አንጀት ānijeti
Jaw መንጋጋ menigaga
Joint መገጣጠሚያ meget’at’emīya
Kidney ኩላሊት kulalīti
Knee ጉልበት gulibeti
Larynx ማንቁርት manik’uriti
Leg እግር igiri
Lip ከንፈር keniferi
Liver ጉበት gubeti
Lung ሳንባ saniba
Moustache ፂም t͟s’īmi
Mouth አፍ āfi
Muscles ጡንቻዎች t’unichawochi
Nail ጥፍር t’ifiri
Navel እምብርት imibiriti
Neck አንገት ānigeti
Nerve ነርቭ nerivi
Nipple የጡት ጫፍ yet’uti ch’afi
Nose አፍንጫ āfinich’a
Nostril የአፍንጫ ቀዳዳ ye’āfinich’a k’edada
Palm መዳፍ medafi
Paw መዳፍ medafi
Rib የጎድን አጥንት yegodini āt’initi
Shoulder ትከሻ tikesha
Skin ቆዳ k’oda
Skull የራስ ቅል yerasi k’ili
Spine አከርካሪ ākerikarī
Stomach ሆድ hodi
Thigh ጭን ch’ini
Throat ጉሮሮ guroro
Thumb አውራ ጣት āwira t’ati
Toe የእግር ጣት ye’igiri t’ati
Tongue አንደበት ānidebeti
Teeth ጥርስ t’irisi
Wrist የእጅ አንጓ ye’iji ānigwa

Top 1000 Amharic words

Here you learn top 1000 Amharic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Amharic meanings with transliteration.

Eat ብላ
All ሁሉም
New አዲስ
Snore ማንኮራፋት
Fast ፈጣን
Help መርዳት
Pain ህመም
Rain ዝናብ
Pride ኩራት
Sense ስሜት
Large ትልቅ
Skill ችሎታ
Panic ድንጋጤ
Thank አመሰግናለሁ
Desire ምኞት
Woman ሴት
Hungry የተራበ

Daily use Amharic Sentences

Here you learn top Amharic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Amharic meanings with transliteration.

Good morning ምልካም እድል
What is your name ስምህ ማን ነው
What is your problem ችግርህ ምንድን ነው?
I hate you አልወድህም
I love you አፈቅርሃለሁ
Can I help you ላግዚህ ? ላግዝሽ?
I am sorry አዝናለሁ
I want to sleep መተኛት እፈልጋለሁ
This is very important ይህ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው
Are you hungry እርቦሃል?
How is your life ኑሮህ እንዴት ነው?
I am going to study ልማር ነው።
Amharic Vocabulary
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