Cloth names in Amharic and English - Common Amharic Vocabulary
Learn common Amharic vocabulary with this English-to-Amharic list of Cloth names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Amharic language skills through popular words and play Amharic quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Amharic language, then the 1000 most common Amharic words will help you to learn the Amharic language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Cloth vocabulary words in Amharic.

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List of Cloth names in Amharic with English Pronunciation
Learn Cloth in Amharic, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Amharic vocabulary for daily conversations.
Cloth names - Amharic
Belt | ቀበቶ k’ebeto |
Blanket | ብርድ ልብስ biridi libisi |
Blouse | ሸሚዝ shemīzi |
Bodice | ቦዲሴ bodīsē |
Boots | ቦት ጫማዎች boti ch’amawochi |
Border | ድንበር diniberi |
Bra | ጡት ማጥባት t’uti mat’ibati |
Button | አዝራር āzirari |
Cap | ካፕ kapi |
Cloth | ጨርቅ ch’erik’i |
Coat | ካፖርት kaporiti |
Cotton | ጥጥ t’it’i |
Damask | ደማስክ demasiki |
Darning | ደፋር defari |
Dress | አለባበስ ālebabesi |
Frock | ማሸማቀቅ mashemak’ek’i |
Garb | ጌጥ gēt’i |
Gloves | ጓንት gwaniti |
Gown | ጋውን gawini |
Handkerchief | መሀረብ mehārebi |
Hat | ኮፍያ kofiya |
Jacket | ጃኬት jakēti |
Jeans | ጂንስ jīnisi |
Kirtle | ኪርትል kīritili |
Knickers | የሴቶች የውስጥ ሱሪ ቁራጭ yesētochi yewisit’i surī k’urach’i |
Knitting | ሹራብ shurabi |
Laces | ማሰሪያዎች maserīyawochi |
Linen | የተልባ እግር yeteliba igiri |
Long Skirt | ረዥም ቀሚስ rezhimi k’emīsi |
Loose | ልቅ lik’i |
Muffler | ማፍለር mafileri |
Overcoat | ካፖርት kaporiti |
ኪስ kīsi | |
Pullover | አቁም āk’umi |
Pyjama | ፒጃማ pījama |
Quilt | ብርድ ልብስ biridi libisi |
Raincoat | የዝናብ ካፖርት yezinabi kaporiti |
Sandals | ጫማ ch’ama |
Scarf | መሀረብ mehārebi |
Sewing | መስፋት mesifati |
Shawl | ሻውል shawili |
Sheet | ሉህ luhi |
Shirt | ሸሚዝ shemīzi |
Shoe | ጫማ ch’ama |
Shoelace | የጫማ ማሰሪያ yech’ama maserīya |
Shorts | ቁምጣ k’umit’a |
Silk | ሐር ḥāri |
Skirt | ቀሚስ k’emīsi |
Slipper | ተንሸራታች tenisheratachi |
Smock | ማጨስ mach’esi |
Socks | ካልሲዎች kalisīwochi |
Stockings | ስቶኪንጎችንና sitokīnigochinina |
Suit | ልብስ libisi |
Suiting | ተስማሚ tesimamī |
Sweater | ሹራብ shurabi |
Tape | ቴፕ tēpi |
Thread | ክር kiri |
Tie | ማሰር maseri |
Tight | ጥብቅ t’ibik’i |
Towel | ፎጣ fot’a |
Trimming | መከርከም mekerikemi |
Turban | ጥምጣም t’imit’ami |
Underpants | የውስጥ ሱሪዎች yewisit’i surīwochi |
Underwear | የውስጥ ሱሪ yewisit’i surī |
Uniform | ዩኒፎርም yunīforimi |
Veil | መጋረጃ megareja |
Velvet | ቬልቬት vēlivēti |
Vest | ቬስት vēsiti |
Wool | ሱፍ sufi |
Yarn | ክር kiri |
Top 1000 Amharic words
Here you learn top 1000 Amharic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Amharic meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Amharic Sentences
Here you learn top Amharic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Amharic meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | ምልካም እድል |
What is your name | ስምህ ማን ነው |
What is your problem | ችግርህ ምንድን ነው? |
I hate you | አልወድህም |
I love you | አፈቅርሃለሁ |
Can I help you | ላግዚህ ? ላግዝሽ? |
I am sorry | አዝናለሁ |
I want to sleep | መተኛት እፈልጋለሁ |
This is very important | ይህ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው |
Are you hungry | እርቦሃል? |
How is your life | ኑሮህ እንዴት ነው? |
I am going to study | ልማር ነው። |
Amharic Vocabulary

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