Religion vocabulary words in Amharic and English - Common Amharic Vocabulary
Learn common Amharic vocabulary with this English-to-Amharic list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Amharic language skills through popular words and play Amharic quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Amharic language, then the 1000 most common Amharic words will help you to learn the Amharic language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Amharic.

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List of Religion vocabulary words in Amharic with English Pronunciation
Learn Religion in Amharic, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Amharic vocabulary for daily conversations.
Religion vocabulary words - Amharic
Acolyte | አኮላይት ākolayiti |
Adulteress | አመንዝራ āmenizira |
Angel | መልአክ meli’āki |
Anointed | የተቀባ yetek’eba |
Apologist | ይቅርታ ጠያቂ yik’irita t’eyak’ī |
Apostasy | ክህደት kihideti |
Atonement | ስርየት siriyeti |
Baptise | ማጥመቅ mat’imek’i |
Basilica | ባሲሊካ basīlīka |
Beatification | ድብደባ dibideba |
Belief | እምነት imineti |
Canonical | ቀኖናዊ k’enonawī |
Ceremonial | ሥነ ሥርዓት šine širi‘ati |
Chapel | የጸሎት ቤት yets’eloti bēti |
Chastity | ንጽህና nits’ihina |
Christian | ክርስቲያን kirisitīyani |
Church | ቤተ ክርስቲያን bēte kirisitīyani |
Cloister | ክሎስተር kilositeri |
Conclave | ኮንክላቭ konikilavi |
Confession | መናዘዝ menazezi |
Conformist | ተስማሚ tesimamī |
Congregation | ጉባኤ guba’ē |
Consecrate | ቀድሱ k’edisu |
Contrition | አስተዋጽኦ āsitewats’i’o |
Crucifix | መስቀል mesik’eli |
Cult | የአምልኮ ሥርዓት ye’āmiliko širi‘ati |
Damnation | ኩነኔ kunenē |
Deceitful | አታላይ ātalayi |
Deity | አምላክነት āmilakineti |
Demon | ጋኔን ganēni |
Devil | ሰይጣን seyit’ani |
Dignitary | የተከበሩ yetekeberu |
Divine | መለኮታዊ melekotawī |
Epiphany | ጥምቀት t’imik’eti |
Exegesis | ትርጓሜ tirigwamē |
Expiate | ማስመሰል masimeseli |
Faith | እምነት imineti |
Faithless | እምነት የለሽ imineti yeleshi |
Fetish | ፈቲሽ fetīshi |
Fiend | ክፉ መንፈስ ወይም ጋኔን kifu menifesi weyimi ganēni |
Fornication | ዝሙት zimuti |
Friar | ፍሬር firēri |
Genesis | ዘፍጥረት zefit’ireti |
Gentile | አሕዛብ āḥizabi |
God | አምላክ āmilaki |
Hallowed | የተቀደሰ yetek’edese |
Heathen | አረማውያን āremawiyani |
Heaven | ሰማይ semayi |
Hell | ሲኦል sī’oli |
Heresy | መናፍቅ menafik’i |
Hermitage | የሄርሚት መኖሪያ yehērimīti menorīya |
Hindi | ሂንዲ hīnidī |
Holiness | ቅድስና k’idisina |
Holy | ቅዱስ k’idusi |
Hymnal | መዝሙር mezimuri |
Idolatry | የጣዖት አምልኮ yet’a‘oti āmiliko |
Immolation | ኢሞሌሽን īmolēshini |
Incumbent | ባለስልጣን balesilit’ani |
Infidelity | ክህደት kihideti |
Inquisitor | አጣሪ āt’arī |
Interdict | መገደል megedeli |
Intone | በትንሹ መነሳት እና በድምፅ ድምጽ መውደቅ ያንብቡ betinishu menesati ina bedimit͟s’i dimits’i mewidek’i yanibibu |
Invocation | ጥሪ t’irī |
Lecher | ሌቸር lēcheri |
Lectern | ትምህርት timihiriti |
Legate | ሌጌት lēgēti |
Legation | ሌጌሽን lēgēshini |
Litany | ሊታኒ lītanī |
Liturgy | የአምልኮ ሥርዓት ye’āmiliko širi‘ati |
Lord | ጌታ gēta |
Majesty | ግርማ ሞገስ girima mogesi |
Malefactor | አጥፊ āt’ifī |
Marvel | መደነቅ medenek’i |
Miracle | ተአምር te’āmiri |
Monastic | ምንኩስና minikusina |
Mortify | ሟች mwachi |
Mosque | መስጊድ mesigīdi |
Mourner | ሀዘንተኛ hāzenitenya |
Mundane | ተራ tera |
Muslim | ሙስሊም musilīmi |
Nave | የቤተ ክርስቲያን ሕንፃ ማዕከላዊ ክፍል yebēte kirisitīyani ḥinit͟s’a ma‘ikelawī kifili |
Nectar | የአበባ ማር ye’ābeba mari |
Nirvana | ኒርቫና nīrivana |
Nonbeliever | የማያምን yemayamini |
Nunnery | ገዳም gedami |
Oath | መሐላ meḥāla |
Obedience | መታዘዝ metazezi |
Officiate | መምራት memirati |
Omen | ምልክት milikiti |
Omnipotent | ሁሉን ቻይ huluni chayi |
Oracular | የቃል yek’ali |
Oratory | አነጋገር ānegageri |
Ordination | ሹመት shumeti |
Orthodoxy | ኦርቶዶክስ oritodokisi |
Pantheon | በተለይ የተከበሩ፣ ታዋቂ ወይም አስፈላጊ ሰዎች ቡድን beteleyi yetekeberu, tawak’ī weyimi āsifelagī sewochi budini |
Papal | ጳጳስ p’ap’asi |
Papist | ፓፒስት papīsiti |
Parish | ደብር debiri |
Patriarch | ፓትርያርክ patiriyariki |
Patriarchate | ፓትርያርክነት patiriyarikineti |
Penance | ንስሐ መግባት nisiḥā megibati |
Pilgrimage | የሐጅ ጉዞ yeḥāji guzo |
Pontiff | ጳጳስ p’ap’asi |
Porch | በረንዳ berenida |
Prayer | ጸሎት ts’eloti |
Preach | መስበክ mesibeki |
Preacher | ሰባኪ sebakī |
Priest | ካህን kahini |
Primate | የመጀመሪያ ደረጃ yemejemerīya dereja |
Priory | ቅድሚያ k’idimīya |
Profane | ጸያፍ ts’eyafi |
Prophesy | ትንቢት ተናገር tinibīti tenageri |
Proselytize | ወደ ሃይማኖት መለወጥ wede hayimanoti melewet’i |
Providence | አቅርቦት āk’iriboti |
Psyche | ሳይኪ sayikī |
Pulpit | መንበር meniberi |
Rapt | ራፕ rapi |
Rebirth | ዳግም መወለድ dagimi meweledi |
Recant | መቃወም mek’awemi |
Recluse | መቀልበስ mek’elibesi |
Rectory | ሬክተሪ rēkiterī |
Refectory | ሪፈራል rīferali |
Relic | ቅርስ k’irisi |
Religion | ሃይማኖት hayimanoti |
Religiosity | ሃይማኖተኝነት hayimanotenyineti |
Reliquary | ለቅዱስ ቅርሶች መያዣ lek’idusi k’irisochi meyazha |
Remission | ስርየት siriyeti |
Repent | ንስሐ ግቡ nisiḥā gibu |
Reprobate | የሚደገም yemīdegemi |
Requiem | የሙዚቃ ቅንብር ቅንብር ክፍሎች yemuzīk’a k’inibiri k’inibiri kifilochi |
Resurrect | አስነሳ āsinesa |
Resuscitate | ማስነሳት masinesati |
Reverend | የተከበረ yetekebere |
Revivalist | ሪቫይቫሊስት rīvayivalīsiti |
Rite | ሥነ ሥርዓት šine širi‘ati |
Rosary | መቁጠሪያ mek’ut’erīya |
Sacrifice | መስዋዕትነት mesiwa‘itineti |
Secular | ዓለማዊ ‘alemawī |
Seminarian | ሴሚናር sēmīnari |
Sermon | ስብከት sibiketi |
Sermonize | ስብከት sibiketi |
Shroud | መሸፈኛ meshefenya |
Sin | ኃጢአት ḫat’ī’āti |
Spirit | መንፈስ menifesi |
Supplicant | የሚለምን yemīlemini |
Surplice | ትርፍ tirifi |
Synod | ሲኖዶስ sīnodosi |
Tabernacle | ድንኳን dinikwani |
Taboo | ታቦ tabo |
Tonsure | ቶንሱር tonisuri |
Transgress | መተላለፍ metelalefi |
Travail | ምጥ mit’i |
Trespass | መተላለፍ metelalefi |
Tribulation | መከራ mekera |
Trinity | ሥላሴ šilasē |
Trusting | ማመን mameni |
Ungodly | ፈሪሃ አምላክ የሌለው ferīha āmilaki yelēlewi |
Unholy | ያልተቀደሰ yalitek’edese |
Unorthodox | ኦርቶዶክሳዊ ያልሆነ oritodokisawī yalihone |
Untouchable | የማይነካ yemayineka |
Venerate | ማክበር makiberi |
Veneration | ማክበር makiberi |
Verily | በእውነት be’iwineti |
Vow | ስእለት si’ileti |
Worshipper | አምላኪ āmilakī |
Zealot | ቀናተኛ k’enatenya |
Top 1000 Amharic words
Here you learn top 1000 Amharic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Amharic meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Amharic Sentences
Here you learn top Amharic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Amharic meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | ምልካም እድል |
What is your name | ስምህ ማን ነው |
What is your problem | ችግርህ ምንድን ነው? |
I hate you | አልወድህም |
I love you | አፈቅርሃለሁ |
Can I help you | ላግዚህ ? ላግዝሽ? |
I am sorry | አዝናለሁ |
I want to sleep | መተኛት እፈልጋለሁ |
This is very important | ይህ በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው |
Are you hungry | እርቦሃል? |
How is your life | ኑሮህ እንዴት ነው? |
I am going to study | ልማር ነው። |
Amharic Vocabulary

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