Are sentences in Arabic and English
‘Are’ sentences in Arabic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Arabic translation of Are sentences and play Are sentences quiz in Arabic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Arabic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Arabic language in an easy way. To learn Arabic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Are sentences in Arabic and English
The list of 'Are' sentences in Arabic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Arabic translations.
Are the roads clear? | هل الطرق خالية؟ hal alturuq khaliatun? |
Are we ready to go now? | هل نحن جاهزون للذهاب الان hal nahn jahizun lildhahab alan |
Are you a doctor? | هل انت دكتور؟ hal ant duktur? |
Are you a student? | هل أنت طالب؟ hal 'ant talibu? |
Are you able to swim? | هل انت قادر على السباحة hal ant qadir ealaa alsibaha |
Are you accepting the job? | هل تقبل الوظيفة hal taqbal alwazifa |
Are you all going to church | هل انتم جميعا ذاهبون الى الكنيسة hal antam jamiean dhahibun alaa alkanisa |
Are you all right? | هل انت بخير؟ hal ant bikhayrin? |
Are you close to your family? | هل انت قريب من عائلتك hal ant qarib min eayilatik |
Are you close to your father? | هل انت قريب من والدك hal ant qarib min walidik |
Are you feeling better? | هل تشعر بتحسن؟ hal tasheur bitahasuni? |
Are you feeling ill? | هل تشعر بالمرض hal tasheur bialmarad |
Are you free tomorrow? | هل انت متفرغ غدا؟ hal ant mutafirigh ghada? |
Are you going out? | هل ستخرج؟ hal satakhriju? |
Are you going to help? | أنت ذاهب إلى مساعدة؟ 'ant dhahib 'iilaa musaeadati? |
Are the roads clear? | هل الطرق خالية؟ hal alturuq khaliatun? |
Are we ready to go now? | هل نحن جاهزون للذهاب الان hal nahn jahizun lildhahab alan |
Are you a doctor? | هل انت دكتور؟ hal ant duktur? |
Are you a student? | هل أنت طالب؟ hal 'ant talibu? |
Are you able to swim? | هل انت قادر على السباحة hal ant qadir ealaa alsibaha |
Are you accepting the job? | هل تقبل الوظيفة hal taqbal alwazifa |
Are you all going to church | هل انتم جميعا ذاهبون الى الكنيسة hal antam jamiean dhahibun alaa alkanisa |
Are you all right? | هل انت بخير؟ hal ant bikhayrin? |
Are you close to your family? | هل انت قريب من عائلتك hal ant qarib min eayilatik |
Are you close to your father? | هل انت قريب من والدك hal ant qarib min walidik |
Are you feeling better? | هل تشعر بتحسن؟ hal tasheur bitahasuni? |
Are you feeling ill? | هل تشعر بالمرض hal tasheur bialmarad |
Are you free tomorrow? | هل انت متفرغ غدا؟ hal ant mutafirigh ghada? |
Are you going out? | هل ستخرج؟ hal satakhriju? |
Are you going to help? | أنت ذاهب إلى مساعدة؟ 'ant dhahib 'iilaa musaeadati? |
Are you going? | هل انت ذاهب؟ hal ant dhahbi? |
Are you hungry? | هل انت جوعان؟ hal ant juean? |
Are you listening to music? | هل تستمع للموسيقى؟ hal tastamie lilmusiqaa؟ |
Are you looking for a job? | هل تبحث عن وظيفة؟ hal tabhath ean wazifatin? |
Are you losing your mind? | هل تفقد عقلك؟ hal tafqid eaqlaka? |
Are you lost anything? | هل فقدت شيئا hal faqadt shayyan |
Are you mad? | هل انت مجنون؟ hal ant majnunu? |
Are you OK? | هل أنت بخير؟ hal 'ant bikhayrin? |
Are you ready? | هل أنت جاهز؟ hal 'ant jahizi? |
Are you satisfied now? | هل أنت راض الآن؟ hal 'ant rad alana? |
Are you serious? | هل أنت جاد؟ hal 'ant jadi? |
Are you seriously thinking about food? | هل تفكر بجدية في الطعام؟ hal tufakir bijidiyat fi altaeami? |
Are you sleeping? | هل أنت نائم؟ hal 'ant nayimu? |
Are you still there? | لا تزال أنت هناك؟ la tazal 'ant hunaka? |
Are you studying English? | هل تدرس الإنجليزية؟ hal tadrus al'iinjiliziatu? |
Are you sure? | هل أنت متأكد؟ hal 'ant muta'akidun? |
Are you tired? | هل انت مرهق؟ hal ant murhaqi? |
Are you trying it? | هل تحاول ذلك hal tuhawil dhalik |
Are you trying to protect me? | هل تحاول حمايتي؟ hal tuhawil himayati? |
Are you writing a letter? | هل تكتب رسالة؟ hal taktub risalatan? |
‘Are’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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