Did sentences in Arabic and English
‘Did’ sentences in Arabic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Arabic translation of Did sentences and play Did sentences quiz in Arabic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Arabic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Arabic language in an easy way. To learn Arabic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Did sentences in Arabic and English
The list of 'Did' sentences in Arabic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Arabic translations.
Did he come by bus or by train? | هل جاء بالحافلة أو بالقطار؟ hal ja' bialhafilat 'aw bialqitari? |
Did she go to see John? | هل ذهبت لرؤية جون؟ hal dhahabt liruyat jun? |
Did he propose to you? | هل خطبك؟ hal khatbaka? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | هل قال لك شيئا عنها؟ hal qal lak shayyan eanha? |
Did he say anything about it? | هل قال أي شيء عنها؟ hal qal 'ayu shay' eanha? |
Did he tell you what to do? | هل قال لك ماذا تفعل؟ hal qal lak madha tafaeala? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | هل جرحت مشاعره؟ hal jarihat mashaeiruhu? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | هل اتصلت به البارحة؟ hal aitasalt bih albariha? |
Did you do this on your own? | هل فعلت هذا بنفسك؟ hal faealt hadha binafsika? |
Did you do your homework? | هل أديت واجبك المدرسي؟ hal 'adayt wajibak almadrasi? |
Did you drive her home last night? | هل قدت منزلها الليلة الماضية؟ hal qadat manzilaha allaylat almadiata? |
Did you finish the job? | هل انتهيت من العمل hal antahayt min aleamal |
Did you get my point? | هل فهمت وجهة نظري؟ hal fahimt wijhat nazari? |
Did you have a fight with john? | هل تشاجرت مع جون؟ hal tashajarat mae jun? |
Did you fight? | هل قاتلت hal qatalt |
Did he come by bus or by train? | هل جاء بالحافلة أو بالقطار؟ hal ja' bialhafilat 'aw bialqitari? |
Did she go to see John? | هل ذهبت لرؤية جون؟ hal dhahabt liruyat jun? |
Did he propose to you? | هل خطبك؟ hal khatbaka? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | هل قال لك شيئا عنها؟ hal qal lak shayyan eanha? |
Did he say anything about it? | هل قال أي شيء عنها؟ hal qal 'ayu shay' eanha? |
Did he tell you what to do? | هل قال لك ماذا تفعل؟ hal qal lak madha tafaeala? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | هل جرحت مشاعره؟ hal jarihat mashaeiruhu? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | هل اتصلت به البارحة؟ hal aitasalt bih albariha? |
Did you do this on your own? | هل فعلت هذا بنفسك؟ hal faealt hadha binafsika? |
Did you do your homework? | هل أديت واجبك المدرسي؟ hal 'adayt wajibak almadrasi? |
Did you drive her home last night? | هل قدت منزلها الليلة الماضية؟ hal qadat manzilaha allaylat almadiata? |
Did you finish the job? | هل انتهيت من العمل hal antahayt min aleamal |
Did you get my point? | هل فهمت وجهة نظري؟ hal fahimt wijhat nazari? |
Did you have a fight with john? | هل تشاجرت مع جون؟ hal tashajarat mae jun? |
Did you fight? | هل قاتلت hal qatalt |
Did you have a good sleep? | هل نمت جيدا hal namt jayidan |
Did you have a nice summer? | هل حظيت بصيف جميل hal hazit bisif jamil |
Did you invite him? | هل دعوته hal daewatuh |
Did you like the movie? | هل اعجبك الفيلم؟ hal aejibak alfilma? |
Did you live here? | هل عشت هنا hal eisht huna |
Did you make it by yourself? | هل صنعته بنفسك؟ hal sanaeth binafsika? |
Did you miss me? | هل إفتقدتني؟ hal 'iftaqadatni? |
Did you see anybody there? | هل رأيت احد هناك hal ra'ayt ahid hunak |
Did you speak at all? | هل تكلمت على الاطلاق hal takalamt ealaa aliatlaq |
Did you study by yourself? | هل درست بنفسك hal darast binafsik |
Did you take a bath? | هل استحممت hal astahmamt |
Did you watch the game? | هل شاهدت المباراة؟ hal shahadt almubarata? |
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