List of Informal and Formal words in Arabic and English
Here you learn Informal and Formal words in English with Arabic translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Informal and Formal Arabic words, this place will help you to learn Informal and Formal words in Arabic language with their pronunciation in English. Informal and Formal words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Arabic. It helps beginners to learn Arabic language in an easy way. To learn Arabic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Top Informal and Formal words in Arabic
Here is the list of most common Informal and Formal words with meanings in Arabic language with English pronunciations.
انفصال anfisal
يفشل yafshal
يفشل yafshal
ساطع satie
ذكي dhakiun
ذكي dhakiun
معقد mueaqad
معقد mueaqad
معقد mueaqad
خافت khafat
غير واضح ghayr wadih
غير واضح ghayr wadih
التمتع altamatue
الإشباع al'iishbae
الإشباع al'iishbae
كافٍ kaf
كافٍ kaf
كافٍ kaf
يتوقع yutawaqae
يتوقع yutawaqae
يتوقع yutawaqae
وظيفة wazifa
إشغال 'iishghal
إشغال 'iishghal
نقص naqs
نقص naqs
نقص naqs
رائع rayie
استثنائية aistithnayiya
استثنائية aistithnayiya
امتحان amtihan
تجربة tajriba
تجربة tajriba
رمى rumaa
ينبذ yanbidh
ينبذ yanbidh