They sentences in Arabic and English
‘They’ sentences in Arabic with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Arabic translation of They sentences and play They sentences quiz in Arabic language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Arabic sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Arabic language in an easy way. To learn Arabic language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

They sentences in Arabic and English
The list of 'They' sentences in Arabic language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Arabic translations.
They admire each other | إنهم معجبون ببعضهم البعض 'iinahum muejibun bibaedihim albaed |
They adopted the little girl | تبنوا الفتاة الصغيرة tabanawa alfataat alsaghira |
They adopted the orphan | تبنوا اليتيم tabanawa alyatim |
They won't allow us to enter the garden | لن يسمحوا لنا بدخول الحديقة lan yasmahuu lana bidukhul alhadiqa |
They agreed on a price | اتفقوا على السعر aitafaquu ealaa alsier |
They agreed to start early | وافقوا على البدء في وقت مبكر wafaquu ealaa albad' fi waqt mubakir |
They agreed to work together | وافقوا على العمل معا wafaquu ealaa aleamal maean |
They are actors | هم الفاعلين hum alfaeilayn |
They are strangers | هم غرباء hum ghuraba' |
They are both good teachers | كلاهما مدرسين جيدين kilahuma mudarisin jayidin |
They are both in the room | كلاهما في الغرفة kilahuma fi alghurfa |
They are gathering nuts | إنهم يجمعون الجوز 'iinahum yajmaeun aljawz |
They are good people | هم أناس طيبون hum 'unas tayibun |
They are in class | هم في الصف hum fi alsafi |
They are playing | انهم يلعبون ainhum yaleabun |
They admire each other | إنهم معجبون ببعضهم البعض 'iinahum muejibun bibaedihim albaed |
They adopted the little girl | تبنوا الفتاة الصغيرة tabanawa alfataat alsaghira |
They adopted the orphan | تبنوا اليتيم tabanawa alyatim |
They won't allow us to enter the garden | لن يسمحوا لنا بدخول الحديقة lan yasmahuu lana bidukhul alhadiqa |
They agreed on a price | اتفقوا على السعر aitafaquu ealaa alsier |
They agreed to start early | وافقوا على البدء في وقت مبكر wafaquu ealaa albad' fi waqt mubakir |
They agreed to work together | وافقوا على العمل معا wafaquu ealaa aleamal maean |
They are actors | هم الفاعلين hum alfaeilayn |
They are strangers | هم غرباء hum ghuraba' |
They are both good teachers | كلاهما مدرسين جيدين kilahuma mudarisin jayidin |
They are both in the room | كلاهما في الغرفة kilahuma fi alghurfa |
They are gathering nuts | إنهم يجمعون الجوز 'iinahum yajmaeun aljawz |
They are good people | هم أناس طيبون hum 'unas tayibun |
They are in class | هم في الصف hum fi alsafi |
They are playing | انهم يلعبون ainhum yaleabun |
They are pretty | هم جميلات hum jamilat |
They arrived at the hotel | وصلوا إلى الفندق wasaluu 'iilaa alfunduq |
They can speak English | يمكنهم التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية yumkinuhum altahaduth biallughat al'iinjilizia |
They didn't tell me | لم يخبروني lam yukhbiruni |
They died one after another | ماتوا واحدا تلو الآخر matuu wahidan tilw alakhar |
They don't get along together | لا يجتمعون معا la yajtamieun maean |
They don't take care of that dog | إنهم لا يعتنون بهذا الكلب 'iinahum la yaetanuwn bihadha alkalb |
They loved each other | كانا يحبان بعضهما kana yuhibaan baedahuma |
They got married | لقد تزوجوا laqad tazawajuu |
They had trouble finding the place | واجهوا صعوبة في العثور على المكان wajahuu sueubatan fi aleuthur ealaa almakan |
They hated my friend | لقد كرهوا صديقي laqad karihuu sadiqi |
They have few books | لديهم القليل من الكتب ladayhim alqalil min alkutub |
They hurt | انهم يؤلمون ainhum yulimun |
They kidnapped me | لقد اختطفوني laqad akhtatafuni |
They smiled at each other | أنها ابتسمت في بعضها البعض 'anaha aibtasamat fi baediha albaed |
They stopped talking | توقفوا عن الكلام tawaqafuu ean alkalam |
They were lying on the grass | كانوا مستلقين على العشب kanuu mustaliqiyn ealaa aleushb |
They were watching television | كانوا يشاهدون التلفاز kanuu yushahidun altilfaz |
They will agree on that | سوف يتفقون على ذلك sawf yatafiqun ealaa dhalik |
They will be very glad | سيكونون سعداء جدا sayakunun sueada' jidana |
They will keep their promise | سيوفون بوعدهم siwfun biwaedihim |
‘They’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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