Building vocabulary words in Arabic and English - Common Arabic Vocabulary
Learn common Arabic vocabulary with this English-to-Arabic list of Building vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Arabic language skills through popular words and play Arabic quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Arabic language, then the 1000 most common Arabic words will help you to learn the Arabic language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Building vocabulary words in Arabic.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Building vocabulary words in Arabic with English Pronunciation
Learn Building in Arabic, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Arabic vocabulary for daily conversations.
Building vocabulary words - Arabic
Arch | قوس qaws |
Attic | علبه ealabah |
Barrack | ثكنة thukna |
Bar | شريط sharit |
BathRoom | حمام hamaam |
Battlement | سرادق saradiq |
Beam | الحزم alhazm |
Bedroom | غرفة نوم ghurfat nawm |
Brick | قالب طوب qalab tub |
Building | بناء bina' |
Bungalow | بيت من طابق واحد bayt min tabiq wahid |
Ceiling | السقف alsaqf |
Cement | يبني yabni |
Chain | سلسلة silsila |
Chimney | مدخنة mudkhana |
Church | كنيسة kanisa |
Cinema Hall | قاعة السينما qaeat alsiynama |
Cloister | الدير aldiyr |
College | كلية kuliya |
Cottage | كوخ kukh |
Courtyard | فناء fana' |
Dais | المنصة alminasa |
Dome | قبة quba |
Drain | بالوعة bialwea |
Drawing Room | غرفة الرسم ghurfat alrasm |
Factory | مصنع masnae |
Floor | الأرض al'ard |
Fort | حصن hisn |
Foundation | المؤسسة almuasasa |
Fountain | نافورة nafura |
Gallery | صالة عرض salat eurd |
Granary | صومعة sawmaea |
Gutter | مزراب mizrab |
Gymnasium | صالة للألعاب الرياضية salat lil'aleab alriyadia |
Hearth | الموقد almawqid |
Hospital | مستشفى mustashfaa |
House | منزل manzil |
Ice Factory | مصنع الثلج masnae althalj |
Inn | خمارة khimara |
Kitchen | مطبخ matbakh |
Laboratory | مختبر mukhtabar |
Latrine | مرحاض mirhad |
Lattice | بنية bunya |
Library | مكتبة maktaba |
Mosque | مسجد masjid |
Office | مكتب maktab |
Orphanage | دار الأيتام dar al'aytam |
Palace | قصر qasr |
Peg | الوتد alwatad |
Plaster | جص jsun |
Platform | برنامج barnamaj |
Plinth | طيدة tayda |
Rafter | رافتر raftar |
Railing | حديدي hadidi |
Roof | سقف saqf |
Room | مجال majal |
School | المدرسة almadrasa |
Shed | تسلط tasalit |
Sitting room | غرفة جلوس ghurfat julus |
Stair | سلم salam |
Steeple | برج الكنيسة burj alkanisa |
Stone | حجر hajar |
Store Room | غرفة تخزين ghurfat takhzin |
Study room | غرفة الدراسة ghurfat aldirasa |
Temple | معبد maebad |
Terrace | مصطبة mustaba |
Threshold | عتبة eataba |
Tile | البلاط albalat |
University | جامعة jamiea |
Urinal | مبولة mubula |
Ventilator | التنفس الصناعي altanafus alsinaeiu |
Verandah | شرفة shurfa |
Window | نافذة او شباك nafidhat aw shibak |
Zoo | حديقة حيوان hadiqat hayawan |
Top 1000 Arabic words
Here you learn top 1000 Arabic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Arabic meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Arabic Sentences
Here you learn top Arabic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Arabic meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | صباح الخير sabah alkhyr |
What is your name | ما اسمك ma aismak |
What is your problem | ما هي مشكلتك؟ ma hi mushkilatuka? |
I hate you | أكرهك akrahik |
I love you | أحببك ahababak |
Can I help you | أيمكنني مساعدتك؟ 'ayumkinuni musaeadatuka? |
I am sorry | أنا آسف 'ana asf |
I want to sleep | أريد أن أنام 'urid 'ana 'anam |
This is very important | هذا مهم جدا hadha muhimun jiddaan |
Are you hungry | هل انت جوعان؟ hal ant juean? |
How is your life | كيف هي حياتك kayf hi hayatuk |
I am going to study | سأدرس sa'adrus |
Arabic Vocabulary

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