Computer vocabulary words in Arabic and English - Common Arabic Vocabulary

Learn common Arabic vocabulary with this English-to-Arabic list of Computer vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Arabic language skills through popular words and play Arabic quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Arabic language, then the 1000 most common Arabic words will help you to learn the Arabic language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Computer vocabulary words in Arabic.

Computer vocabulary words in Arabic and English - Common Arabic Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Computer vocabulary words in Arabic with English Pronunciation

Learn Computer in Arabic, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Arabic vocabulary for daily conversations.

Computer vocabulary words - Arabic

Access التمكن من altamakun min
Activity نشاط nashat
Application تطبيق tatbiq
Browser المتصفح almutasafih
Cloud غيم ghym
Computer الحاسوب alhasub
Connect الاتصال alaitisal
Copy ينسخ yansakh
Corrupted تالف talif
Create خلق khalq
Data البيانات albayanat
Design التصميم altasmim
Digital رقمي raqami
Download تحميل tahmil
Drive قطع qatae
External خارجي khariji
Faster أسرع 'asrae
File ملف milafun
Fixed مُثَبَّت muthabbat
Function وظيفة wazifa
Graphics الرسومات alrusumat
Higher أعلى 'aelaa
Identify التعرف altaearuf
Important الأهمية al'ahamiya
Information معلومة maeluma
Input إدخال 'iidkhal
Install التثبت ailtathabut
Instruction تعليمات taelimat
Internal داخلي dakhili
Internet إنترنت 'iintirnit
Location موقعك mawqieuk
Lost ضائع dayie
Measure معيار mieyar
Memory ذاكرة dhakira
Music موسيقى musiqaa
Network شبكة الاتصال shabakat alaitisal
Number رقم raqm
Operate العمل aleamal
Original أصلي 'usaliy
Output انتاج aintaj
Pages الصفحات alsafahat
Permanent دائم dayim
Permission إذن 'iidhan
Popular جمع jame
Process معالجة muealaja
Processing معالجة muealaja
Program برنامج barnamaj
Record سجل sajal
Screen شاشة shasha
Secure يؤمن yumin
Send يرسل yursil
Speed سرعة surea
Store متجر matjar
Supposed مفترض muftarid
Task مهمة muhima
Text نص nasu
Transfer نقل naqil
Update تحديث tahdith
Video فيديو fidyu
Virus فايروس fayrws
Visitor زائر zayir
Web الويب alwib
Word كلمة kalima

Top 1000 Arabic words

Here you learn top 1000 Arabic words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Arabic meanings with transliteration.

Eat تأكل takl
All الكل alkl
New الجديد aljdyd
Snore شخير shkhyr
Fast سريع sry
Help يساعد ysad
Pain ألم alm
Rain تمطر tmtr
Pride الاعتزاز alatzaz
Sense حاسة hast
Large كبير kbyr
Skill مهارة mhart
Panic هلع hl
Thank شكر shkr
Desire رغبة rghbt
Woman النساء alnsa
Hungry جوعان jwan

Daily use Arabic Sentences

Here you learn top Arabic sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Arabic meanings with transliteration.

Good morning صباح الخير sabah alkhyr
What is your name ما اسمك ma aismak
What is your problem ما هي مشكلتك؟ ma hi mushkilatuka?
I hate you أكرهك akrahik
I love you أحببك ahababak
Can I help you أيمكنني مساعدتك؟ 'ayumkinuni musaeadatuka?
I am sorry أنا آسف 'ana asf
I want to sleep أريد أن أنام 'urid 'ana 'anam
This is very important هذا مهم جدا hadha muhimun jiddaan
Are you hungry هل انت جوعان؟ hal ant juean?
How is your life كيف هي حياتك kayf hi hayatuk
I am going to study سأدرس sa'adrus
Arabic Vocabulary
Arabic Dictionary

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