Hospital things vocabulary words in Assamese and English - Common Assamese Vocabulary

Learn common Assamese vocabulary with this English-to-Assamese list of Hospital things vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Assamese language skills through popular words and play Assamese quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Assamese language, then the 1000 most common Assamese words will help you to learn the Assamese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Hospital things vocabulary words in Assamese.

Hospital things vocabulary words in Assamese and English - Common Assamese Vocabulary

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List of Hospital things vocabulary words in Assamese with English Pronunciation

Learn Hospital things in Assamese, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Assamese vocabulary for daily conversations.

Hospital things vocabulary words - Assamese

Ambulance এম্বুলেন্স embulensa
Anesthesia এনাস্থেচিয়া enastheciya
Antiseptic এন্টিচেপ্টিক enticeptika
Aspirin এছপিৰিন echapiraina
Bandage বেণ্ডেজ bendeja
Blood তেজ teja
Braces ব্ৰেচ braeca
Capsule কেপচুল kepacula
Cardiology কাৰ্ডিঅ'লজি kardi'a'laji
Clinic ক্লিনিক klinika
Cough syrup কাহৰ চিৰাপ kahara ciraapa
Crutch ক্ৰাচ্চ kraacca
Dentist দন্ত চিকিত্‍সক danta cikitsaka
Disabilities অক্ষমতা aksamata
Disinfectant বীজাণুনাশক bijanunasaka
Dispensary ডিচপেনচাৰী dicapenacarai
Doctor ডাক্তৰ daktara
Emergency জৰুৰীকালীন jarauraikalina
Endoscopy এণ্ড’স্কপি enda'skapi
Face mask ফেচ মাস্ক pheca maska
Family doctor পৰিয়ালৰ চিকিৎসক paraiyalara cikitsaka
Glasses চশমা casama
Healer হিলাৰ hilara
Health স্বাস্থ্য sbasthya
Infirmary ইনফৰ্মাৰী inapharmarai
Injuries আঘাতপ্ৰাপ্ত aghatapraapta
Lotion লোচন locana
Maternity প্ৰসূতিকাল prasutikala
Medicine দৰৱ darara
Microscope মাইক্ৰস্কোপ ma'ikraskopa
Mortuary মৰ্চাৰী marcarai
Nurse নাৰ্ছ narcha
Ointment মলম malama
Orphanage অনাথ আশ্ৰম anatha asrama
Pathology ৰোগবিজ্ঞান raogabijnana
Patient ৰোগী raogi
Pharmacy ফাৰ্মাচী pharmaci
Pneumonia নিউমোনিয়া ni'umoniya
Prescription প্ৰেছক্ৰিপচন praechakraipacana
Psychology মনোবিজ্ঞান manobijnana
Scalpel স্কেলপেল skelapela
Scan স্কেন skena
Scissor কেঁচি kemci
Stethoscope ষ্টেথ’স্কোপ stetha'skopa
Stretcher ষ্ট্ৰেচাৰ straecara
Surgeon চাৰ্জন carjana
Surgery অস্ত্ৰোপচাৰ astraopacara
Syringe চিৰিঞ্জ cirainja
Therapy থেৰাপী theraapi
Thermometer থাৰ্মোমিটাৰ tharmomitara
Toothpaste টুথপেষ্ট tuthapesta
Treatment উপচাৰ upacara
Veterinarian পশু চিকিৎসক pasu cikitsaka
Veterinary পশু চিকিৎসা pasu cikitsa
Ward ৱাৰ্ড raarda
Wheelchair হুইল চেয়াৰ hu'ila ceyara
Wound ঘাঁ gham

Top 1000 Assamese words

Here you learn top 1000 Assamese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Assamese meanings with transliteration.

Eat খোৱা
All আটাইবোৰ
New নতুন
Snore নাক কটাব
Fast বেগাই
Help সহায়
Pain দুখ
Rain বৰষুণ
Pride গৌৰৱ
Sense জ্ঞান
Large ডাঙৰ
Skill দক্ষতা
Panic ত্ৰাস
Thank ধন্যবাদ
Desire আকাংক্ষা
Woman মহিলা
Hungry ভোকাতুৰ

Daily use Assamese Sentences

Here you learn top Assamese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Assamese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning সুপ্ৰভাত
What is your name আপোনাৰ নাম কি
What is your problem আপোনাৰ সমস্যা কি?
I hate you মই তোমাক ঘৃণা কৰো
I love you মই আপোনাক ভাল পাওঁ
Can I help you মই আপোনাক সহায় কৰিব পাৰিমনে?
I am sorry ক্ষমা কৰিব
I want to sleep মোৰ শুবলৈ মন যায়
This is very important এইটো অতি গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ
Are you hungry ভোক লাগিছে নেকি?
How is your life আপোনাৰ জীৱন কেনেকুৱা?
I am going to study মই পঢ়িবলৈ ওলাইছো
Assamese Vocabulary
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