No sentences in Aymara and English
‘No’ sentences in Aymara with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Aymara translation of No sentences and play No sentences quiz in Aymara language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Aymara sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Aymara language in an easy way. To learn Aymara language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
![No sentences in Aymara](/images/are/no-sentences-in-aymara.jpg)
No sentences in Aymara and English
The list of 'No' sentences in Aymara language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Aymara translations.
No one can tell | Janiw khitis uk yatkaspati |
No one can kill me | Janiw khitis jiwaykistaspati |
No matter | Janiw kunas paskiti |
No one came except john | Janiw khitis jutkänti jan ukasti john |
No one could solve the puzzle | Janiw khitis uka rompecabezas askichañjamäkänti |
No one had anything left to say | Janiw khitis kuna arsuñas utj-jjänti |
No one knows the reason | Janiw khitis kunatsa uk yatkiti |
No one knows | Janiw khitis yatkiti |
No one likes war | Janiw khitirus nuwasiñ munkiti |
No one stops to listen to him | Janiw khitis jupar istʼañatakejj saytʼkiti |
No one told me that she had failed | Janiw khitis pantjasitap siskitänti |
No one wants to listen to my opinions | Janiw khitis amuyunakax ist’añ munkiti |
No one will know | Janiw khitis yatkaniti |
No problem | Jan kuna walt'awi |
No way! | Janiw kunatsa! |
No one can tell | Janiw khitis uk yatkaspati |
No one can kill me | Janiw khitis jiwaykistaspati |
No matter | Janiw kunas paskiti |
No one came except john | Janiw khitis jutkänti jan ukasti john |
No one could solve the puzzle | Janiw khitis uka rompecabezas askichañjamäkänti |
No one had anything left to say | Janiw khitis kuna arsuñas utj-jjänti |
No one knows the reason | Janiw khitis kunatsa uk yatkiti |
No one knows | Janiw khitis yatkiti |
No one likes war | Janiw khitirus nuwasiñ munkiti |
No one stops to listen to him | Janiw khitis jupar istʼañatakejj saytʼkiti |
No one told me that she had failed | Janiw khitis pantjasitap siskitänti |
No one wants to listen to my opinions | Janiw khitis amuyunakax ist’añ munkiti |
No one will know | Janiw khitis yatkaniti |
No problem | Jan kuna walt'awi |
No way! | Janiw kunatsa! |
No worries | Janiw llakisiñasäkiti |
No, thank you | Janiwa, yuspajarapxsmawa |
No time for love | Munasiñatakejj janiw tiempojj utjkiti |
No, I'll eat later | Janiwa, qhipüru manq'askä |
No need to rush | Janiw jankʼak sarañajj wakiskiti |
No one is supported for a free ride | Janiw khitis inakiw sarnaqañatakix yanapt’atäkiti |
No one had said anything | Janiw khitis kuns siskänti |
No wonder he was upset | Ukham chuym ustʼayasisajj janiw muspharkañäkiti |
No idea at all | Janiw kuna amuyunïkänti |
‘No’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Aymara words
Here you learn top 1000 Aymara words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Aymara meanings with transliteration.
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