Plant names in Bambara and English - Common Bambara Vocabulary

Learn common Bambara vocabulary with this English-to-Bambara list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Bambara language skills through popular words and play Bambara quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Bambara language, then the 1000 most common Bambara words will help you to learn the Bambara language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Bambara.

Plant names in Bambara and English - Common Bambara Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Bambara with English Pronunciation

Learn Plant in Bambara, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Bambara vocabulary for daily conversations.

Plant names - Bambara

Acorn akɔri (acorn) ye
Agriculture sɛnɛ
Angiosperm angiosperme (banakisɛfagalan).
Autotroph autotroph (ototroph) ye
Axilary bud axilary bud (bololanɛgɛ) min bɛ wele ko axilary bud
Biennial san fila o san fila
Blade murukisɛ
Blossom falen-falen
Botany jiriw dɔnniya
Bract bract (bract) ye
Branch bolofara
Bromeliad bromeliad (bromeliad) ye
Bud bud
Cactus kakɛti (cactus) ye
Calyx calyx (kalisi) min bɛ wele ko calyx
Canopy kanpaɲi
Carpel karɔti
Clover clover (jirisunba).
Cork koriki
Dicot dikot (dicot) ye
Endosperm endosperme (endosperme) ye
Epicotyl epikotili (epikotili) ye
Evergreen a bɛ kɛ jiri ye tuma bɛɛ
Fern fern (fern) ye
Fertilizer bagaji ye
Filament filament (filaman) ye
Flora jiriw (flora) ye
Flower filɛri
Foliage furabuluw (foliage).
Garden nakɔ
Germinate bɛ falen
Ginkgo ginkgo (ginkgo) ye
Grain kisɛ
Grass bin
Grove foro (foro) ye
Grow ka falen
Gum gomu
Hardy hardy ye
Hastate hastate (hastate) ye
Herb binkɛnɛ
Horticulture nakɔsɛnɛko
Hybrid hybride (ɲɔgɔnkanu).
Inflorescence inflorescence (fura) min bɛ wele ko inflorescence
Internode internode (dakunw ni ɲɔgɔn cɛ).
Ivy ivy (ivy) ye
Jungle kungo kɔnɔ
Juniper juniper (juniper) ye
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina (lamina) la
Leaf bulu
Legume legume (legume) ye
Meristem meristem (meristem) ye
Midrib cɛmancɛ-yɔrɔ
Monocot monocot ye
Moss mɔsi
Nectar nɛrɛmuguma
Needle pikirijikɛlan
Node node (node) ye
Nut ekuru
Ovary ovari (ovaire) ye
Palm tɛgɛ
Palmate palmate (bololanɛgɛ).
Peduncle peduncle ( peduncle) ye
Perennial a bɛ sɔrɔ san caman kɔnɔ
Petal petal (bulu) ye
Petiole petiole (bulu) min bɛ wele ko petiole
Phloem phloem (floem) ye
Photosynthesis fotosintezi (fotosinthèse) ye
Pinnate pinnate (pinna) ye
Pistil pistil (pistil) ye
Pith pith (pith) ye
Plumule plumule (wuluwulu)
Pollen pollen (mugumugu) ye
Pollinate polini (pollinate) bɛ kɛ
Prickle sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ
Rachis rachis (rachis) ye
Reniform reniform (reniform) ye
Resin resin (resin) ye
Reticulate reticulate (sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ).
Rings bololanɛgɛw
Root dili
Sap sap
Sapling jirisunw (spling) ye
Seed si
Seedling jirisunba
Sepal sepal (sepal) ye
Shamrock shamrock (sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ).
Shoot ka ci
Shrub jirisunba (shrub).
Soil dugukolo
Spine kɔkolo
Spore spore (spor) ye
Sprout jirisunw falen
Stalk kala
Stamen stamen (sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ).
Stand ka jɔ
Stem kala
Stigma sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ
Stipule stipule (sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ).
Stoma stoma (stoma) ye
Succulent sumayalen don
Sunlight tile yeelen
Tap root tap root
Thorn ŋaniyajuguya
Tree yiri
Trunk kɛsu
Tuber tuber (tuber) ye
Twig jiribolo
Understory jirisunw jukɔrɔ
Vascular plant joli siraw jiri
Vein joli-sira-funu
Venation venation (joli-sira-funu).
Vine ɛrɛzɛnsun
Weed bin
Whorled whorled (kunnafoni-cimago).

Top 1000 Bambara words

Here you learn top 1000 Bambara words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Bambara meanings with transliteration.

Eat ka dun
All bɛɛ
New kura
Snore sɔgɔsɔgɔninjɛ
Fast teliman
Help dɛmɛ
Pain dimi
Rain sanji
Pride kuncɛbaya
Sense kɔrɔ
Large belebeleba
Skill dɔnko
Panic siraɲɛ
Thank i ni ce
Desire nege
Woman muso
Hungry kɔngɔ

Daily use Bambara Sentences

Here you learn top Bambara sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Bambara meanings with transliteration.

Good morning A' ni sɔgɔma
What is your name I tɔgɔ ye di
What is your problem I ka gɛlɛya ye mun ye?
I hate you Ne b aw koniya
I love you n b'i fɛ
Can I help you Yala ne bɛ se k’i dɛmɛ wa?
I am sorry N b'i deli
I want to sleep N b'a fɛ ka sunɔgɔ
This is very important O nafa ka bon kosɛbɛ
Are you hungry Yala kɔngɔ b’i la wa?
How is your life I ka ɲɛnamaya bɛ cogo di?
I am going to study N bɛ taa kalan kɛ
Bambara Vocabulary
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