I sentences in Basque and English
‘I’ sentences in Basque with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Basque translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Basque language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Basque sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Basque language in an easy way. To learn Basque language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.
![I sentences in Basque](/images/are/i-sentences-in-basque.jpg)
I sentences in Basque and English
The list of 'I' sentences in Basque language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Basque translations.
I accepted her invitation | Haren gonbidapena onartu nuen |
I agree | ados |
I agree with you | zurekin ados nago |
I admire his talent | Bere talentua miresten dut |
I agree with your opinion | Ados nago zure iritziarekin |
I am a student | Ikaslea naiz |
I am going to study | Ikastera noa |
I am interested in swimming | Igeriketa interesatzen zait |
I am just going for a walk | Paseo bat ematera noa |
I am feeling tired today | Gaur nekatuta nago |
I am glad to be with you | Pozten naiz zurekin egoteaz |
I am not a teacher | Ez naiz irakaslea |
I am sorry | Barkatu |
I am talking with my mother | Nire amarekin hitz egiten ari naiz |
I am thinking about my children | Nire seme-alabengan pentsatzen ari naiz |
I accepted her invitation | Haren gonbidapena onartu nuen |
I agree | ados |
I agree with you | zurekin ados nago |
I admire his talent | Bere talentua miresten dut |
I agree with your opinion | Ados nago zure iritziarekin |
I am a student | Ikaslea naiz |
I am going to study | Ikastera noa |
I am interested in swimming | Igeriketa interesatzen zait |
I am just going for a walk | Paseo bat ematera noa |
I am feeling tired today | Gaur nekatuta nago |
I am glad to be with you | Pozten naiz zurekin egoteaz |
I am not a teacher | Ez naiz irakaslea |
I am sorry | Barkatu |
I am talking with my mother | Nire amarekin hitz egiten ari naiz |
I am thinking about my children | Nire seme-alabengan pentsatzen ari naiz |
I am very pleased to meet you | Oso pozik nago zu ezagutzeak |
I apologize if I hurt your feelings | Barkamena eskatzen dizut zure sentimenduak mintzen baditut |
I arrived there too early | Goizegi heldu nintzen bertara |
I believe you | sinesten dizut |
I bought it last week | Joan den astean erosi nuen |
I can do this job | Lan hau egin dezaket |
I can run faster | Azkarrago korrika egin dezaket |
I can sing well | Ondo abesten dezaket |
I can speak English | Ingelesez hitz egin dezaket |
I can swim | Igeri egin dezaket |
I can’t believe it | Ezin dut sinetsi |
I can't come | Ezin naiz etorri |
I can't follow you | Ezin zaitut jarraitu |
I can't agree with you | Ezin nago zurekin ados |
I can't remember his name | Ez dut bere izena gogoratzen |
I can't hear you | Ezin zaitut entzuten |
I can't see anything | Ezin dut ezer ikusten |
I didn't like it | Ez zait gustatu |
I disagree with you | Ez nago ados zurekin |
I do not understand | ez dut ulertzen |
I don’t know | Ez dakit |
I don't have any money | Ez daukat dirurik |
I don't like the color | Ez zait kolorea gustatzen |
I had a good idea | Ideia ona izan nuen |
I like it very much | Asko gustatzen zait |
I need more time | Denbora gehiago behar dut |
I want to sleep | lo egin nahi dut |
I wish you good luck | Zorte ona opa dizut |
‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Basque words
Here you learn top 1000 Basque words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Basque meanings with transliteration.
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