My sentences in Basque and English

‘My’ sentences in Basque with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Basque translation of My sentences and play My sentences quiz in Basque language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Basque sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Basque language in an easy way. To learn Basque language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

My sentences in Basque

My sentences in Basque and English

The list of 'My' sentences in Basque language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Basque translations.

My eyes are sore Nire begiak minduta daude
My eyes are tired Nire begiak nekatuta daude
My eyes are watering Begiak ureztatzen zaizkit
My family is not very large Nire familia ez da oso handia
My father does not eat much fruit Nire aitak ez du fruta asko jaten
My father has never been sick in his life Nire aita ez da inoiz gaixorik egon bere bizitzan
My father is out Nire aita kanpoan dago
My father is suffering from cold Nire aita hotzak jasaten ari da
My father is tall Nire aita altua da
My mother was a farmer Nire ama baserritarra zen
My hair has grown too long Ilea luzeegia egin zait
My headache has gone Buruko mina joan zait
My mother can't come Nire ama ezin da etorri
My mother died when I was a kid Nire ama txikitan hil zen
My mother gets up early Nire ama goiz jaikitzen da
My eyes are sore Nire begiak minduta daude
My eyes are tired Nire begiak nekatuta daude
My eyes are watering Begiak ureztatzen zaizkit
My family is not very large Nire familia ez da oso handia
My father does not eat much fruit Nire aitak ez du fruta asko jaten
My father has never been sick in his life Nire aita ez da inoiz gaixorik egon bere bizitzan
My father is out Nire aita kanpoan dago
My father is suffering from cold Nire aita hotzak jasaten ari da
My father is tall Nire aita altua da
My mother was a farmer Nire ama baserritarra zen
My hair has grown too long Ilea luzeegia egin zait
My headache has gone Buruko mina joan zait
My mother can't come Nire ama ezin da etorri
My mother died when I was a kid Nire ama txikitan hil zen
My mother gets up early Nire ama goiz jaikitzen da
My mother is always at home Nire ama beti etxean dago
My sister has a job Nire ahizpak lana dauka
My sister can swim very fast Nire arrebak oso azkar igeri dezake
My sister is famous Nire ahizpa famatua da
My wife is a doctor Nire emaztea medikua da
My son is now as tall as I am Nire semea ni bezain altua da orain
My son is small for his age Nire semea txikia da bere adinerako
My stomach is full Nire urdaila beteta dago
My strength is all gone Nire indarrak desagertuta daude
My pulse is slow Nire pultsua motela da
My pleasure Nire plazerra
My house is only a mile from here Nire etxea hemendik kilometro batera dago
My grandmother lives by herself Nire amona bere kabuz bizi da
My house is a long way from here Nire etxea hemendik urrun dago
My father is in his room Nire aita bere gelan dago

‘My’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Basque words

Here you learn top 1000 Basque words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Basque meanings with transliteration.

Eat jan
All guztiak
New berria
Snore zurrunga
Fast azkar
Help lagundu
Pain mina
Rain euria
Pride harrotasuna
Sense zentzua
Large handia
Skill trebetasuna
Panic ikara
Thank eskerrik asko
Desire gogoa
Woman emakumea
Hungry gosea
Basque Vocabulary
Basque Dictionary

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