Building vocabulary words in Belarusian and English - Common Belarusian Vocabulary
Learn common Belarusian vocabulary with this English-to-Belarusian list of Building vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Belarusian language skills through popular words and play Belarusian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Belarusian language, then the 1000 most common Belarusian words will help you to learn the Belarusian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Building vocabulary words in Belarusian.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Building vocabulary words in Belarusian with English Pronunciation
Learn Building in Belarusian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Belarusian vocabulary for daily conversations.
Building vocabulary words - Belarusian
Arch | арх arch |
Attic | гарышча haryšča |
Barrack | казарма kazarma |
Bar | бар bar |
BathRoom | ванная пакой vannaja pakoj |
Battlement | байніца bajnica |
Beam | прамень pramień |
Bedroom | спальня spaĺnia |
Brick | цэгла cehla |
Building | будынак budynak |
Bungalow | бунгала bunhala |
Ceiling | столь stoĺ |
Cement | цэмент cemient |
Chain | ланцуг lancuh |
Chimney | комін komin |
Church | царквы carkvy |
Cinema Hall | кіназала kinazala |
Cloister | кляштар kliaštar |
College | каледж kaliedž |
Cottage | катэдж katedž |
Courtyard | дворык dvoryk |
Dais | памост pamost |
Dome | купал kupal |
Drain | зліць zlić |
Drawing Room | гасцёўня hascioŭnia |
Factory | завод zavod |
Floor | падлогу padlohu |
Fort | крэпасць krepasć |
Foundation | падмурак padmurak |
Fountain | фантан fantan |
Gallery | галерэя haliereja |
Granary | зернясховішча zierniaschovišča |
Gutter | жолаб žolab |
Gymnasium | гімназія himnazija |
Hearth | ачаг ačah |
Hospital | бальніца baĺnica |
House | дом dom |
Ice Factory | фабрыка лёду fabryka liodu |
Inn | гасцініца hascinica |
Kitchen | кухня kuchnia |
Laboratory | лабараторыя labaratoryja |
Latrine | прыбіральня prybiraĺnia |
Lattice | кратаў krataŭ |
Library | бібліятэка biblijateka |
Mosque | мячэць miačeć |
Office | офіс ofis |
Orphanage | дзіцячы дом dziciačy dom |
Palace | палац palac |
Peg | калок kalok |
Plaster | тынкоўка tynkoŭka |
Platform | платформа platforma |
Plinth | плінтус plintus |
Rafter | кроквы krokvy |
Railing | парэнчы parenčy |
Roof | дах dach |
Room | пакой pakoj |
School | школа škola |
Shed | хлеў chlieŭ |
Sitting room | гасцёўня hascioŭnia |
Stair | лесвіца liesvica |
Steeple | шпіль špiĺ |
Stone | камень kamień |
Store Room | кладоўка kladoŭka |
Study room | кабінет kabiniet |
Temple | храм chram |
Terrace | тэраса terasa |
Threshold | парог paroh |
Tile | плітка plitka |
University | ВНУ VNU |
Urinal | пісуар pisuar |
Ventilator | ШВЛ ŠVL |
Verandah | веранда vieranda |
Window | акно akno |
Zoo | заапарк zaapark |
Top 1000 Belarusian words
Here you learn top 1000 Belarusian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Belarusian meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Belarusian Sentences
Here you learn top Belarusian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Belarusian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Добрай раніцы |
What is your name | Як цябе завуць |
What is your problem | У чым твая праблема? |
I hate you | я ненавіджу цябе |
I love you | я цябе кахаю |
Can I help you | Ці магу я вам дапамагчы? |
I am sorry | Прабач |
I want to sleep | я хачу спаць |
This is very important | Гэта вельмі важна |
Are you hungry | Ты галодны? |
How is your life | Як ваша жыццё? |
I am going to study | Я збіраюся вучыцца |
Belarusian Vocabulary

Belarusian Grammar

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