Did sentences in Bosnian and English
‘Did’ sentences in Bosnian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Bosnian translation of Did sentences and play Did sentences quiz in Bosnian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Bosnian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Bosnian language in an easy way. To learn Bosnian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Did sentences in Bosnian and English
The list of 'Did' sentences in Bosnian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Bosnian translations.
Did he come by bus or by train? | Da li je došao autobusom ili vozom? |
Did she go to see John? | Da li je otišla da vidi Džona? |
Did he propose to you? | Je li te zaprosio? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | Da li vam je rekao nešto o tome? |
Did he say anything about it? | Da li je rekao nešto o tome? |
Did he tell you what to do? | Da li ti je rekao šta da radiš? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | Jesam li povrijedio njegova osjećanja? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | Jesi li ga zvao jučer? |
Did you do this on your own? | Jesi li ovo uradio na svoju ruku? |
Did you do your homework? | Da li si uradio zadacu? |
Did you drive her home last night? | Jesi li je odvezao kući sinoć? |
Did you finish the job? | Jesi li završio posao? |
Did you get my point? | Jesi li shvatio moju poentu? |
Did you have a fight with john? | Da li ste se posvađali sa Džonom? |
Did you fight? | Da li ste se borili? |
Did he come by bus or by train? | Da li je došao autobusom ili vozom? |
Did she go to see John? | Da li je otišla da vidi Džona? |
Did he propose to you? | Je li te zaprosio? |
Did he say anything about it to you? | Da li vam je rekao nešto o tome? |
Did he say anything about it? | Da li je rekao nešto o tome? |
Did he tell you what to do? | Da li ti je rekao šta da radiš? |
Did I hurt his feelings? | Jesam li povrijedio njegova osjećanja? |
Did you call him up yesterday? | Jesi li ga zvao jučer? |
Did you do this on your own? | Jesi li ovo uradio na svoju ruku? |
Did you do your homework? | Da li si uradio zadacu? |
Did you drive her home last night? | Jesi li je odvezao kući sinoć? |
Did you finish the job? | Jesi li završio posao? |
Did you get my point? | Jesi li shvatio moju poentu? |
Did you have a fight with john? | Da li ste se posvađali sa Džonom? |
Did you fight? | Da li ste se borili? |
Did you have a good sleep? | Jeste li se dobro naspavali? |
Did you have a nice summer? | Jeste li proveli lijepo ljeto? |
Did you invite him? | Jesi li ga pozvao? |
Did you like the movie? | Da li vam se svideo film? |
Did you live here? | Jeste li živjeli ovdje? |
Did you make it by yourself? | Jeste li ga sami napravili? |
Did you miss me? | Jesam li ti nedostajao? |
Did you see anybody there? | Jeste li vidjeli nekoga tamo? |
Did you speak at all? | Jeste li uopšte govorili? |
Did you study by yourself? | Jeste li sami učili? |
Did you take a bath? | Jesi li se okupala? |
Did you watch the game? | Jeste li gledali utakmicu? |
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