Do sentences in Bulgarian and English
‘Do’ sentences in Bulgarian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Bulgarian translation of Do sentences and play Do sentences quiz in Bulgarian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Bulgarian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Bulgarian language in an easy way. To learn Bulgarian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Do sentences in Bulgarian and English
The list of 'Do' sentences in Bulgarian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Bulgarian translations.
Do not disturb! | не безпокой! ne bezpokoi! |
Do you agree with me? | Съгласен ли си с мен? suglasen li si s men? |
Do you drink coffee? | пиеш ли кафе? piesh li kafe? |
Do you follow? | следваш ли sledvash li |
Do you have a car? | имаш ли кола? imash li kola? |
Do you have a family? | Имате ли семейство? Imate li semeistvo? |
Do you have a lot of time? | имаш ли много време? imash li mnogo vreme? |
Do you have a minute? | имате ли минута? imate li minuta? |
Do you have a question? | имаш ли въпрос? imash li vupros? |
Do you have any problem? | имаш ли някакъв проблем? imash li nyakakuv problem? |
Do you have any brothers? | имаш ли братя? imash li bratya? |
Do you have any complaints? | имаш ли оплаквания? imash li oplakvaniya? |
Do you have any idea? | имаш ли идея imash li ideya |
Do you have anything? | имаш ли нещо imash li neshto |
Do you have everything? | имаш ли всичко? imash li vsichko? |
Do not disturb! | не безпокой! ne bezpokoi! |
Do you agree with me? | Съгласен ли си с мен? suglasen li si s men? |
Do you drink coffee? | пиеш ли кафе? piesh li kafe? |
Do you follow? | следваш ли sledvash li |
Do you have a car? | имаш ли кола? imash li kola? |
Do you have a family? | Имате ли семейство? Imate li semeistvo? |
Do you have a lot of time? | имаш ли много време? imash li mnogo vreme? |
Do you have a minute? | имате ли минута? imate li minuta? |
Do you have a question? | имаш ли въпрос? imash li vupros? |
Do you have any problem? | имаш ли някакъв проблем? imash li nyakakuv problem? |
Do you have any brothers? | имаш ли братя? imash li bratya? |
Do you have any complaints? | имаш ли оплаквания? imash li oplakvaniya? |
Do you have any idea? | имаш ли идея imash li ideya |
Do you have anything? | имаш ли нещо imash li neshto |
Do you have everything? | имаш ли всичко? imash li vsichko? |
Do you hear me? | чуваш ли ме? chuvash li me? |
Do you hear something? | чуваш ли нещо? chuvash li neshto? |
Do you smoke? | пушиш ли? pushish li? |
Do you speak English? | говориш ли английски? govorish li angliiski? |
Do you spend more time at home? | прекарвате ли повече време вкъщи? prekarvate li poveche vreme vkushti? |
Do you spend more time with your friends? | прекарваш ли повече време с приятелите си? prekarvash li poveche vreme s priyatelite si? |
Do you spend more time with your family? | прекарвате ли повече време със семейството си? prekarvate li poveche vreme sus semeistvoto si? |
Do you understand? | разбираш ли? razbirash li? |
Do you want a ride? | искаш ли да се возя? iskash li da se vozya? |
Do you want money? | искаш ли пари? iskash li pari? |
Do you want to be rich? | искаш ли да си богат? iskash li da si bogat? |
Do you think something? | мислиш ли нещо mislish li neshto |
Do you have a better idea? | имаш ли по-добра идея? imash li po-dobra ideya? |
Do you have any money? | Имаш ли някакви пари? Imash li nyakakvi pari? |
Do you know her? | Познаваш ли я? Poznavash li ya? |
Do you need anything? | нуждаеш ли се от нещо? nuzhdaesh li se ot neshto? |
Do you need this book? | имаш ли нужда от тази книга? imash li nuzhda ot tazi kniga? |
Do you love me? | обичаш ли ме? obichash li me? |
Do you talk to your dog? | говориш ли с кучето си? govorish li s kucheto si? |
Do whatever you like | правете каквото искате pravete kakvoto iskate |
‘Do’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Bulgarian words
Here you learn top 1000 Bulgarian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Bulgarian meanings with transliteration.
Eat | Яжте Azte |
All | всичко vsicko |
New | нов nov |
Snore | хъркане h"rkane |
Fast | бърз b"rz |
Help | помогне pomogne |
Pain | болка bolka |
Rain | дъжд d"zd |
Pride | гордост gordost |
Sense | смисъл smis"l |
Large | голям golam |
Skill | умение umenie |
Panic | паника panika |
Thank | благодаря blagodara |
Desire | желание zelanie |
Woman | жена zena |
Hungry | гладен gladen |
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