He sentences in Bulgarian and English
‘He’ sentences in Bulgarian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Bulgarian translation of He sentences and play He sentences quiz in Bulgarian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Bulgarian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Bulgarian language in an easy way. To learn Bulgarian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

He sentences in Bulgarian and English
The list of 'He' sentences in Bulgarian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Bulgarian translations.
He achieved his goal | той постигна целта си toi postigna tselta si |
He accepted her gift | той прие нейния подарък toi prie neiniya podaruk |
He accepted my idea | той прие идеята ми toi prie ideyata mi |
He accepted the job | той прие работата toi prie rabotata |
He admitted his mistakes | той призна грешките си toi prizna greshkite si |
He advised me not to smoke | той ме посъветва да не пуша toi me posuvetva da ne pusha |
He attained his goal | той постигна целта си toi postigna tselta si |
He became famous | той стана известен toi stana izvesten |
He became irritated | той се раздразни toi se razdrazni |
He began to run | той започна да бяга toi zapochna da byaga |
He broke the law | той наруши закона toi narushi zakona |
He can read and write | той може да чете и пише toi mozhe da chete i pishe |
He can read English easily | той може лесно да чете английски toi mozhe lesno da chete angliiski |
He can run fast | той може да бяга бързо toi mozhe da byaga burzo |
He came into the room | той влезе в стаята toi vleze v stayata |
He achieved his goal | той постигна целта си toi postigna tselta si |
He accepted her gift | той прие нейния подарък toi prie neiniya podaruk |
He accepted my idea | той прие идеята ми toi prie ideyata mi |
He accepted the job | той прие работата toi prie rabotata |
He admitted his mistakes | той призна грешките си toi prizna greshkite si |
He advised me not to smoke | той ме посъветва да не пуша toi me posuvetva da ne pusha |
He attained his goal | той постигна целта си toi postigna tselta si |
He became famous | той стана известен toi stana izvesten |
He became irritated | той се раздразни toi se razdrazni |
He began to run | той започна да бяга toi zapochna da byaga |
He broke the law | той наруши закона toi narushi zakona |
He can read and write | той може да чете и пише toi mozhe da chete i pishe |
He can read English easily | той може лесно да чете английски toi mozhe lesno da chete angliiski |
He can run fast | той може да бяга бързо toi mozhe da byaga burzo |
He came into the room | той влезе в стаята toi vleze v stayata |
He can swim very fast | той може да плува много бързо toi mozhe da pluva mnogo burzo |
He did not know what to say | той не знаеше какво да каже toi ne znaeshe kakvo da kazhe |
He did not speak | той не говореше toi ne govoreshe |
He doesn't need to work | той няма нужда да работи toi nyama nuzhda da raboti |
He easily gets angry | той лесно се ядосва toi lesno se yadosva |
He doesn't sing well | той не пее добре toi ne pee dobre |
He got a lot of money | той получи много пари toi poluchi mnogo pari |
He got angry | той се ядоса toi se yadosa |
He had an accident at work | е претърпял трудова злополука e preturpyal trudova zlopoluka |
He has a lot of money | той има много пари toi ima mnogo pari |
He has his own room | той има собствена стая toi ima sobstvena staya |
He has left his family | той е напуснал семейството си toi e napusnal semeistvoto si |
He has ten cows | той има десет крави toi ima deset kravi |
He was alone | той беше сам toi beshe sam |
He was brave | той беше смел toi beshe smel |
He was cleaning his room | чистеше стаята си chisteshe stayata si |
He was at home | той беше у дома toi beshe u doma |
He was very busy all day | цял ден беше много зает tsyal den beshe mnogo zaet |
He was very happy | той беше много щастлив toi beshe mnogo shtastliv |
He writes books | той пише книги toi pishe knigi |
He was patient | той беше търпелив toi beshe turpeliv |
He walks slowly | той върви бавно toi vurvi bavno |
He wants to meet you | той иска да те срещне toi iska da te sreshtne |
He was absent from school | той отсъстваше от училище toi ot·sustvashe ot uchilishte |
He likes to read books | той обича да чете книги toi obicha da chete knigi |
He likes to run | той обича да тича toi obicha da ticha |
He lost his job | той загуби работата си toi zagubi rabotata si |
He likes to swim | той обича да плува toi obicha da pluva |
He learned how to swim | той се научи да плува toi se nauchi da pluva |
He looks healthy | той изглежда здрав toi izglezhda zdrav |
‘He’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Bulgarian words
Here you learn top 1000 Bulgarian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Bulgarian meanings with transliteration.
Eat | Яжте Azte |
All | всичко vsicko |
New | нов nov |
Snore | хъркане h"rkane |
Fast | бърз b"rz |
Help | помогне pomogne |
Pain | болка bolka |
Rain | дъжд d"zd |
Pride | гордост gordost |
Sense | смисъл smis"l |
Large | голям golam |
Skill | умение umenie |
Panic | паника panika |
Thank | благодаря blagodara |
Desire | желание zelanie |
Woman | жена zena |
Hungry | гладен gladen |
Bulgarian Vocabulary

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