Climate names in Bulgarian and English - Common Bulgarian Vocabulary
Learn common Bulgarian vocabulary with this English-to-Bulgarian list of Climate names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Bulgarian language skills through popular words and play Bulgarian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Bulgarian language, then the 1000 most common Bulgarian words will help you to learn the Bulgarian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Climate vocabulary words in Bulgarian.
Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Climate names in Bulgarian with English Pronunciation
Learn Climate in Bulgarian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Bulgarian vocabulary for daily conversations.
Climate names - Bulgarian
Polar | Полярна Polyarna |
Temperate | Умерен Umeren |
Arid | Безводни Bezvodni |
Tropical | Тропически Tropicheski |
Mediterranean | Средиземноморски Sredizemnomorski |
Tundra | Тундра Tundra |
Air pollution | замърсяване на въздуха zamursyavane na vuzdukha |
Air pressure | въздушно налягане vuzdushno nalyagane |
Atmospheric pressure | атмосферно налягане atmosferno nalyagane |
Avalanche | лавина lavina |
Blizzard | виелица vielitsa |
Cloudiness | облачност oblachnost |
Cyclone | циклон tsiklon |
Drizzle | ръмжи rumzhi |
Drought | суша susha |
Earthquake | земетресение zemetresenie |
Famine | глад glad |
Flood | наводнение navodnenie |
Fog | мъгла mugla |
Frost | слана slana |
Hail | градушка gradushka |
Heat wave | гореща вълна goreshta vulna |
Humidity | влажност vlazhnost |
Hurricane | ураган uragan |
Ice storm | ледена буря ledena burya |
Mist | мъгла mugla |
Monsoon | мусон muson |
Mudslide | свлачище svlachishte |
Overcast | облачно oblachno |
Rainfall | валежи valezhi |
Rainstorm | дъждовна буря duzhdovna burya |
Sandstorm | пясъчна буря pyasuchna burya |
Sleet | киша kisha |
Smog | смог smog |
Snow | сняг snyag |
Snowfall | снеговалеж snegovalezh |
Snowflakes | снежинки snezhinki |
Snowstorm | снежна буря snezhna burya |
Solar radiation | слънчева радиация sluncheva radiatsiya |
Squall | шквал shkval |
Storm | буря burya |
Temperature | температура temperatura |
Thunderstorm | гръмотевична буря grumotevichna burya |
Tornado | торнадо tornado |
Tropical storm | тропическа буря tropicheska burya |
Tsunami | цунами tsunami |
Typhoon | тайфун taifun |
Volcanic eruption | вулканично изригване vulkanichno izrigvane |
Water vapor | водна пара vodna para |
Wind chill | студен вятър studen vyatur |
Wind velocity | скорост на вятъра skorost na vyatura |
Windstorm | вятърна буря vyaturna burya |
Top 1000 Bulgarian words
Here you learn top 1000 Bulgarian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Bulgarian meanings with transliteration.
Eat | Яжте Azte |
All | всичко vsicko |
New | нов nov |
Snore | хъркане h"rkane |
Fast | бърз b"rz |
Help | помогне pomogne |
Pain | болка bolka |
Rain | дъжд d"zd |
Pride | гордост gordost |
Sense | смисъл smis"l |
Large | голям golam |
Skill | умение umenie |
Panic | паника panika |
Thank | благодаря blagodara |
Desire | желание zelanie |
Woman | жена zena |
Hungry | гладен gladen |
Daily use Bulgarian Sentences
Here you learn top Bulgarian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Bulgarian meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | добро утро dobro utro |
What is your name | Как се казваш Kak se kazvash |
What is your problem | какъв ти е проблемът? kakuv ti e problemut? |
I hate you | мразя те mrazya te |
I love you | обичам те obicham te |
Can I help you | мога ли да ти помогна? moga li da ti pomogna? |
I am sorry | съжалявам suzhalyavam |
I want to sleep | искам да спя iskam da spya |
This is very important | Това е много важно Tova e mnogo vazhno |
Are you hungry | гладен ли си? gladen li si? |
How is your life | как я караш? kak ya karash? |
I am going to study | отивам да уча otivam da ucha |
Bulgarian Vocabulary
Bulgarian Grammar
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