Hospital things vocabulary words in Bulgarian and English - Common Bulgarian Vocabulary

Learn common Bulgarian vocabulary with this English-to-Bulgarian list of Hospital things vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Bulgarian language skills through popular words and play Bulgarian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Bulgarian language, then the 1000 most common Bulgarian words will help you to learn the Bulgarian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Hospital things vocabulary words in Bulgarian.

Hospital things vocabulary words in Bulgarian and English - Common Bulgarian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Hospital things vocabulary words in Bulgarian with English Pronunciation

Learn Hospital things in Bulgarian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Bulgarian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Hospital things vocabulary words - Bulgarian

Ambulance линейка lineĭka
Anesthesia анестезия anesteziya
Antiseptic антисептично antiseptichno
Aspirin аспирин aspirin
Bandage превръзка prevruzka
Blood кръв kruv
Braces брекети breketi
Capsule капсула kapsula
Cardiology кардиология kardiologiya
Clinic клиника klinika
Cough syrup сироп за кашлица sirop za kashlitsa
Crutch патерица pateritsa
Dentist зъболекар zubolekar
Disabilities увреждания uvrezhdaniya
Disinfectant дезинфектант dezinfektant
Dispensary диспансер dispanser
Doctor лекар lekar
Emergency спешен случай speshen sluchaĭ
Endoscopy ендоскопия endoskopiya
Face mask маска за лице maska za litse
Family doctor семеен доктор semeen doktor
Glasses очила ochila
Healer лечител lechitel
Health здраве zdrave
Infirmary лазарет lazaret
Injuries наранявания naranyavaniya
Lotion лосион losion
Maternity майчинство maĭchinstvo
Medicine лекарство lekarstvo
Microscope микроскоп mikroskop
Mortuary морга morga
Nurse медицинска сестра meditsinska sestra
Ointment мехлем mekhlem
Orphanage сиропиталище siropitalishte
Pathology патология patologiya
Patient търпелив turpeliv
Pharmacy аптека apteka
Pneumonia пневмония pnevmoniya
Prescription рецепта retsepta
Psychology психология psikhologiya
Scalpel скалпел skalpel
Scan сканиране skanirane
Scissor ножица nozhitsa
Stethoscope стетоскоп stetoskop
Stretcher носилка nosilka
Surgeon хирург khirurg
Surgery хирургия khirurgiya
Syringe спринцовка sprintsovka
Therapy терапия terapiya
Thermometer термометър termometur
Toothpaste паста за зъби pasta za zubi
Treatment лечение lechenie
Veterinarian ветеринарен лекар veterinaren lekar
Veterinary ветеринарен veterinaren
Ward отделение otdelenie
Wheelchair инвалиден стол invaliden stol
Wound рана rana

Top 1000 Bulgarian words

Here you learn top 1000 Bulgarian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Bulgarian meanings with transliteration.

Eat Яжте Azte
All всичко vsicko
New нов nov
Snore хъркане h"rkane
Fast бърз b"rz
Help помогне pomogne
Pain болка bolka
Rain дъжд d"zd
Pride гордост gordost
Sense смисъл smis"l
Large голям golam
Skill умение umenie
Panic паника panika
Thank благодаря blagodara
Desire желание zelanie
Woman жена zena
Hungry гладен gladen

Daily use Bulgarian Sentences

Here you learn top Bulgarian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Bulgarian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning добро утро dobro utro
What is your name Как се казваш Kak se kazvash
What is your problem какъв ти е проблемът? kakuv ti e problemut?
I hate you мразя те mrazya te
I love you обичам те obicham te
Can I help you мога ли да ти помогна? moga li da ti pomogna?
I am sorry съжалявам suzhalyavam
I want to sleep искам да спя iskam da spya
This is very important Това е много важно Tova e mnogo vazhno
Are you hungry гладен ли си? gladen li si?
How is your life как я караш? kak ya karash?
I am going to study отивам да уча otivam da ucha
Bulgarian Vocabulary
Bulgarian Dictionary

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