Are sentences in Catalan and English

‘Are’ sentences in Catalan with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Catalan translation of Are sentences and play Are sentences quiz in Catalan language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Catalan sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Catalan language in an easy way. To learn Catalan language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Are sentences in Catalan

Are sentences in Catalan and English

The list of 'Are' sentences in Catalan language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Catalan translations.

Are the roads clear? Els camins estan clars?
Are we ready to go now? Estem preparats per marxar ara?
Are you a doctor? Es vosté metge?
Are you a student? Ets un estudiant?
Are you able to swim? Ets capaç de nedar?
Are you accepting the job? Acceptes la feina?
Are you all going to church Aneu tots a l'església
Are you all right? Estàs bé?
Are you close to your family? Estàs a prop de la teva família?
Are you close to your father? Estàs a prop del teu pare?
Are you feeling better? Et sents millor?
Are you feeling ill? Et sents malalt?
Are you free tomorrow? Estàs lliure demà?
Are you going out? Sortiràs?
Are you going to help? Vas a ajudar?
Are the roads clear? Els camins estan clars?
Are we ready to go now? Estem preparats per marxar ara?
Are you a doctor? Es vosté metge?
Are you a student? Ets un estudiant?
Are you able to swim? Ets capaç de nedar?
Are you accepting the job? Acceptes la feina?
Are you all going to church Aneu tots a l'església
Are you all right? Estàs bé?
Are you close to your family? Estàs a prop de la teva família?
Are you close to your father? Estàs a prop del teu pare?
Are you feeling better? Et sents millor?
Are you feeling ill? Et sents malalt?
Are you free tomorrow? Estàs lliure demà?
Are you going out? Sortiràs?
Are you going to help? Vas a ajudar?
Are you going? Vas?
Are you hungry? Tens gana?
Are you listening to music? Estàs escoltant música?
Are you looking for a job? Busques feina?
Are you losing your mind? Estàs perdent el cap?
Are you lost anything? T'has perdut alguna cosa?
Are you mad? Estàs boig?
Are you OK? Estàs bé?
Are you ready? Estàs preparat?
Are you satisfied now? Estàs satisfet ara?
Are you serious? Parles seriosament?
Are you seriously thinking about food? Estàs pensant seriosament en el menjar?
Are you sleeping? Estàs dormint?
Are you still there? Encara hi ets?
Are you studying English? Estàs estudiant anglès?
Are you sure? Estàs segur?
Are you tired? Estàs cansat?
Are you trying it? Ho estàs provant?
Are you trying to protect me? Estàs intentant protegir-me?
Are you writing a letter? Estàs escrivint una carta?

‘Are’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Catalan words

Here you learn top 1000 Catalan words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Catalan meanings with transliteration.

Eat menjar
All tots
New nou
Snore roncar
Fast ràpid
Help ajuda
Pain dolor
Rain pluja
Pride orgull
Sense sentit
Large gran
Skill habilitat
Panic pànic
Thank gràcies
Desire desig
Woman dona
Hungry famolenc
Catalan Vocabulary
Catalan Dictionary

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