How sentences in Catalan and English
‘How’ sentences in Catalan with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Catalan translation of How sentences and play How sentences quiz in Catalan language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Catalan sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Catalan language in an easy way. To learn Catalan language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

How sentences in Catalan and English
The list of 'How' sentences in Catalan language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Catalan translations.
How about you? | Què tal tu? |
How are you? | Com estàs? |
How are you peter? | Com estàs pere? |
How about another piece of cake? | Què tal un altre tros de pastís? |
How to know that | Com saber-ho |
How was your breakfast? | Com va ser el teu esmorzar? |
How was your day? | Com ha anat el dia? |
How was your night? | Com va anar la teva nit? |
How was your summer? | Com va ser el teu estiu? |
How was your weekend? | Com ha anat el cap de setmana? |
How is it going? | Com va? |
How is your life? | Com és la teva vida? |
How is your family? | Com està la teva família? |
How is it? | Com és? |
How about tomorrow? | Què tal demà? |
How about you? | Què tal tu? |
How are you? | Com estàs? |
How are you peter? | Com estàs pere? |
How about another piece of cake? | Què tal un altre tros de pastís? |
How to know that | Com saber-ho |
How was your breakfast? | Com va ser el teu esmorzar? |
How was your day? | Com ha anat el dia? |
How was your night? | Com va anar la teva nit? |
How was your summer? | Com va ser el teu estiu? |
How was your weekend? | Com ha anat el cap de setmana? |
How is it going? | Com va? |
How is your life? | Com és la teva vida? |
How is your family? | Com està la teva família? |
How is it? | Com és? |
How about tomorrow? | Què tal demà? |
How are things going? | Com van les coses? |
How are things? | Com van les coses? |
How can I find this place? | Com puc trobar aquest lloc? |
How can I get in touch with you? | Com puc posar-me en contacte amb tu? |
How can I get there? | Com hi puc arribar? |
How can I get to the station? | Com puc arribar a l'estació? |
How can I help you? | Com et puc ajudar? |
How can I tell if I'm really in love? | Com puc saber si estic realment enamorat? |
How deep is the lake? | Quina profunditat té el llac? |
How did you learn about that news? | Com vas conèixer aquesta notícia? |
How did you make it? | Com ho vas fer? |
How do I report a theft? | Com denuncio un robatori? |
How do you come to school? | Com vens a l'escola? |
How do you feel about it? | Com et sents al respecte? |
How do you feel about the issue? | Com us sembla el tema? |
How does your opinion differ from his? | En què difereix la teva opinió de la seva? |
How far is it from here? | A quina distància està d'aquí? |
How high is that mountain? | Quina altura té aquesta muntanya? |
How is your dad? | Com està el teu pare? |
How late are you open? | Fins quan obres? |
How long can I keep this book? | Quant de temps puc conservar aquest llibre? |
How old are you? | Quants anys tens? |
How long will you stay here? | Quant temps et quedaràs aquí? |
How long does it take? | Quant de temps es triga? |
How many kids do you have? | Quants fills tens? |
‘How’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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