I sentences in Catalan and English
‘I’ sentences in Catalan with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Catalan translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Catalan language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Catalan sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Catalan language in an easy way. To learn Catalan language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

I sentences in Catalan and English
The list of 'I' sentences in Catalan language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Catalan translations.
I accepted her invitation | Vaig acceptar la seva invitació |
I agree | estic dacord |
I agree with you | estic d'acord amb tu |
I admire his talent | Admiro el seu talent |
I agree with your opinion | Estic d'acord amb la teva opinió |
I am a student | sóc estudiant |
I am going to study | Vaig a estudiar |
I am interested in swimming | M'interessa la natació |
I am just going for a walk | Només vaig a passejar |
I am feeling tired today | Avui em sento cansat |
I am glad to be with you | M'alegro d'estar amb tu |
I am not a teacher | No sóc professor |
I am sorry | ho sento |
I am talking with my mother | Estic parlant amb la meva mare |
I am thinking about my children | Estic pensant en els meus fills |
I accepted her invitation | Vaig acceptar la seva invitació |
I agree | estic dacord |
I agree with you | estic d'acord amb tu |
I admire his talent | Admiro el seu talent |
I agree with your opinion | Estic d'acord amb la teva opinió |
I am a student | sóc estudiant |
I am going to study | Vaig a estudiar |
I am interested in swimming | M'interessa la natació |
I am just going for a walk | Només vaig a passejar |
I am feeling tired today | Avui em sento cansat |
I am glad to be with you | M'alegro d'estar amb tu |
I am not a teacher | No sóc professor |
I am sorry | ho sento |
I am talking with my mother | Estic parlant amb la meva mare |
I am thinking about my children | Estic pensant en els meus fills |
I am very pleased to meet you | Estic molt content de conèixer-te |
I apologize if I hurt your feelings | Demano disculpes si he fet mal els teus sentiments |
I arrived there too early | Hi vaig arribar massa aviat |
I believe you | et crec |
I bought it last week | El vaig comprar la setmana passada |
I can do this job | Puc fer aquesta feina |
I can run faster | Puc córrer més ràpid |
I can sing well | Puc cantar bé |
I can speak English | Jo parlo Anglès |
I can swim | Puc nedar |
I can’t believe it | No m'ho puc creure |
I can't come | No puc venir |
I can't follow you | No et puc seguir |
I can't agree with you | No puc estar d'acord amb tu |
I can't remember his name | No recordo el seu nom |
I can't hear you | No et puc escoltar |
I can't see anything | No veig res |
I didn't like it | No em va agradar |
I disagree with you | No estic d'acord amb tu |
I do not understand | no ho entenc |
I don’t know | No ho sé |
I don't have any money | No tinc diners |
I don't like the color | No m'agrada el color |
I had a good idea | Vaig tenir una bona idea |
I like it very much | M'agrada molt |
I need more time | Necessito més temps |
I want to sleep | vull dormir |
I wish you good luck | Li desitjo bona sort |
‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Catalan words
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