Let sentences in Catalan and English

‘Let’ sentences in Catalan with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Catalan translation of Let sentences and play Let sentences quiz in Catalan language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Catalan sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Catalan language in an easy way. To learn Catalan language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Let sentences in Catalan

Let sentences in Catalan and English

The list of 'Let' sentences in Catalan language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Catalan translations.

Let me check Deixa'm comprovar-ho
Let me have a look at the picture Deixa'm fer una ullada a la imatge
Let me in Deixa'm entrar
Let me know Fes-m'ho saber
Let me read the paper when you have finished with it Deixa'm llegir el document quan hagis acabat amb ell
Let me say Deixa'm dir
Let me see Deixa'm veure
Let me tell you about the case Permeteu-me que us parli del cas
Let’s celebrate! Celebrem-ho!
Let's always be friends Siguem sempre amics
Let's ask the teacher Preguntem al professor
Let's be friends forever Siguem amics per sempre
Let's drop by his house Passem per casa seva
Let's go by bus Anem amb autobús
Let's go out and eat Sortim a dinar
Let me check Deixa'm comprovar-ho
Let me have a look at the picture Deixa'm fer una ullada a la imatge
Let me in Deixa'm entrar
Let me know Fes-m'ho saber
Let me read the paper when you have finished with it Deixa'm llegir el document quan hagis acabat amb ell
Let me say Deixa'm dir
Let me see Deixa'm veure
Let me tell you about the case Permeteu-me que us parli del cas
Let’s celebrate! Celebrem-ho!
Let's always be friends Siguem sempre amics
Let's ask the teacher Preguntem al professor
Let's be friends forever Siguem amics per sempre
Let's drop by his house Passem per casa seva
Let's go by bus Anem amb autobús
Let's go out and eat Sortim a dinar
Let's go to a movie Anem a una pel·lícula
Let's have dinner Anem a sopar
Let's hurry up Afanyem-nos
Let's leave her alone Deixem-la en pau
Let's leave it Deixem-ho
Let's not do the work No fem la feina
Let's start the party Comencem la festa
Let's wrap up this work now Tanquem aquest treball ara

‘Let’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Catalan words

Here you learn top 1000 Catalan words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Catalan meanings with transliteration.

Eat menjar
All tots
New nou
Snore roncar
Fast ràpid
Help ajuda
Pain dolor
Rain pluja
Pride orgull
Sense sentit
Large gran
Skill habilitat
Panic pànic
Thank gràcies
Desire desig
Woman dona
Hungry famolenc
Catalan Vocabulary
Catalan Dictionary

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