List of Antonyms in Chinese and English
To learn Chinese language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. If you are interested to learn Chinese language, this place will help you to learn Chinese words like Antonyms in Chinese language with their pronunciation in English. The below table gives the translation of Opposites in Chinese and their pronunciation in English.
Top Antonyms in Chinese
Here is the list of most common Antonyms in Chinese language with English pronunciations.
偶然 ǒurán
故意的 guyì de
故意的 guyì de
人造的 renzào de
自然的 zìrán de
自然的 zìrán de
赞扬 zànyáng
侮辱 wǔrǔ
侮辱 wǔrǔ
持续的 chíxu de
多变 duo biàn
多变 duo biàn
勇敢 yǒnggan
胆小 dan xiao
胆小 dan xiao
保护 baohu
攻击 gongjí
攻击 gongjí