List of Homonyms in Chinese and English
To learn Chinese language, common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. If you are interested to learn Chinese language, this place will help you to learn Chinese words like Homonyms in Chinese language with their pronunciation in English.

Top Homonyms in Chinese
Here is the list of most common Homonyms with meanings in Chinese language with English pronunciations.
更好的 geng hao de
投注者 touzhu zhe
公交车 gongjiao che
摔碎 shuai sui
首都 shoudu
国会大厦 guohui dasha
鸡舍 ji she
轿跑车 jiao paoche
理事会 lishi hui
法律顾问 falǜ guwen
船员 chuanyuan
残忍的 canren de
公平的 gongping de
票价 piao jia
佯攻 yanggong
头晕的 touyun de
格雷厄姆 gelei e mu
公克 gongke
呻吟 shenyin
长大的 zhang da de
抓住 zhua zhu
有洞的 you dong de
有洞的 you dong de
抓住 zhua zhu
煽动 shandong
洞察力 dongcha li
瘦且健康的 shou qie jiankang de
留置权 liuzhi quan
说谎者 shuohuang zhe
利尔 li er
主要的 zhuyao de
鬃毛 zong mao
真实的 zhenshi de
卷轴 juanzhou
被拖走 bei tuo zou
蟾蜍 chanchu
各不相同 ge bu xiangtong
非常 feichang
大大地 dada di
称重 cheng zhong
红豆杉 hongdou shan
采用 caiyong