List of Prefix in Chinese and English
To learn Chinese language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Chinese translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Chinese Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Chinese language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Chinese.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Prefix words in Chinese
Here is the list of prefixes in Chinese language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.
Deactivate | 停用 tíng yòng |
Debate | 辩论 biànlun |
Decade | 十年 shí nián |
Decent | 体面的 timiàn de |
Decision | 决定 juedìng |
Declare | 宣布 xuanbu |
Decode | 解码 jiema |
Decomposition | 分解 fenjie |
Decrease | 减少 jianshao |
Deduction | 扣除 kòuchú |
Default | 默认 mòrèn |
Defeat | 打败 dabài |
Defend | 保卫 baowèi |
Deforest | 砍伐森林 kanfá senlín |
Deformation | 形变 xíngbiàn |
Degeneration | 退化 tuìhuà |
Demand | 要求 yaoqiú |
Disaccord | 不和谐 bu hexie |
Disaffection | 不满 bu man |
Disagree | 不同意 bu tóngyì |
Disappear | 消失 xiaoshi |
Disapprove | 不赞成 bu zàncheng |
Discharge | 释放 shìfàng |
Discipline | 纪律 jìlǜ |
Discompose | 惊 jing |
Discount | 折扣 zhekòu |
Discover | 发现 faxiàn |
Displeasure | 不高兴 bu gaoxìng |
Disqualify | 取消资格 qǔxiao zige |
Exceed | 超过 chaoguò |
Exchange | 交换 jiaohuàn |
Exhale | 呼气 hu qì |
Explain | 解释 jieshì |
Explosion | 爆炸 bàozhà |
Export | 出口 chukǒu |
Impair | 妨害 fánghài |
Impassion | 引起 yinqi |
Implant | 注入 zhuru |
Import | 进口 jìnkǒu |
Impossible | 不可能的 bu keneng de |
Impress | 留下深刻印象 liú xià shenkè yìnxiàng |
Improper | 不当 budang |
Improve | 提升 tísheng |
Inaction | 不作为 bu zuòwei |
Inactive | 不活跃的 bu huóyuè de |
Inadequate | 不足 buzú |
Income | 收入 shouru |
Incorrect | 不正确 bu zhèngquè |
Indirect | 间接 jiànjie |
Insecure | 不安全感 bu anquán gan |
Inside | 里面 limiàn |
Invisible | 无形的 wúxíng de |
Interaction | 相互作用 xianghu zuòyòng |
Interchange | 交换 jiaohuàn |
Intermission | 中场休息 zhong chang xiuxí |
International | 国际的 guójì de |
Internet | 互联网 huliánwang |
Interview | 面试 miànshì |
Irradiation | 辐照 fú zhào |
Irrational | 非理性的 fei lixìng de |
Irregular | 不规律的 bu guilǜ de |
Irrelevant | 不相关的 bu xiangguan de |
Irreplaceable | 不可替代的 bu ke tìdài de |
Irreversible | 不可逆转的 bu kenìzhuan de |
Misaligned | 未对准的 wèi duì zhǔn dì |
Misguide | 误导 wudao |
Misinform | 误导 wudao |
Mislead | 误导 wudao |
Misplace | 放错地方 fàng cuò dìfang |
Misrule | 错误统治 cuòwu tǒngzhì |
Misspelt | 拼写错误 pinxie cuòwu |
Mistake | 错误 cuòwu |
Misunderstand | 误解 wujie |
Misuse | 滥用 lànyòng |
Non existent | 不存在的 bu cúnzài de |
Non pareil | 无与伦比的 wúyǔlúnbi de |
Nonchalant | 漫不经心的 mànbujingxin de |
Nonfiction | 非小说类 fei xiaoshuo lèi |
Nonsense | 废话 fèihuà |
Nonstop | 马不停蹄 mabutíngtí |
Overcharge | 过度充电 guòdu chongdiàn |
Overcome | 克服 kèfú |
Overflow | 溢出 yìchu |
Overlap | 重叠 chóngdie |
Overload | 超载 chaozài |
Overlook | 俯瞰 fǔkàn |
Overpower | 压倒 yadao |
Overrate | 高估 gao gu |
Overrule | 否决 fǒujue |
Predefine | 预定义 yu dìngyì |
Prefix | 字首 zì shǒu |
Prehistory | 史前时期 shiqián shíqí |
Prepay | 预付 yufu |
Prepossess | 预先占有 yuxian zhànyǒu |
Prevail | 占上风 zhàn shàngfeng |
Preview | 预览 yulan |
Proactive | 积极主动的 jijí zhǔdòng de |
Proceed | 继续 jìxu |
Proclaim | 宣布 xuanbu |
Profess | 宣称 xuancheng |
Profit | 利润 lìrun |
Profound | 深刻的 shenkè de |
Program | 程序 chengxu |
Progress | 进步 jìnbu |
Prolong | 延长 yáncháng |
React | 反应 fanyìng |
Reappear | 再现 zàixiàn |
Reclaim | 回收 huíshou |
Recollect | 追忆 zhuiyì |
Recommendation | 推荐 tuijiàn |
Reconsider | 重新考虑 chóngxin kaolǜ |
Recover | 恢复 huifu |
Redo | 重做 chóng zuò |
Rewrite | 改写 gaixie |
Telecommunication | 电信 diànxìn |
Telegram | 电报 diànbào |
Telepathic | 心灵感应的 xinlíng ganyìng de |
Telephone | 电话 diànhuà |
Telescope | 望远镜 wàngyuanjìng |
Television | 电视 diànshì |
Transfer | 转移 zhuanyí |
Transform | 转换 zhuanhuàn |
Transgender | 跨性别 kuà xìngbie |
Translation | 翻译 fanyì |
Transparent | 透明的 tòumíng de |
Transport | 运输 yunshu |
Undo | 撤消 chèxiao |
Unequal | 不等 bu deng |
Unhappy | 不高兴 bu gaoxìng |
Unpack | 打开包装 dakai baozhuang |
Unseen | 看不见 kàn bujiàn |
Unstable | 不稳定 bu wendìng |
Unusual | 异常 yìcháng |
Update | 更新 gengxin |
Upgrade | 升级 shengjí |
Uphill | 上坡 shàng po |
Uphold | 坚持 jianchí |
Upset | 沮丧的 jǔsàng de |
Upstairs | 楼上 lóu shàng |
Upward | 向上 xiàngshàng |
Top 1000 Chinese words
Here you learn top 1000 Chinese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Chinese meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Chinese Sentences
Here you learn top Chinese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chinese meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | 早上好 Zaoshang hao |
What is your name | 你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi |
What is your problem | 你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti? |
I hate you | 我恨你 Wo hen ni |
I love you | 我爱你 Wo ai ni |
Can I help you | 我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma? |
I am sorry | 对不起 duibuqi |
I want to sleep | 我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao |
This is very important | 这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao |
Are you hungry | 你饿了吗? Ni ele ma? |
How is your life | 你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang? |
I am going to study | 我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi |
Chinese Vocabulary

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