Climate names in Chinese and English - Common Chinese Vocabulary

Learn common Chinese vocabulary with this English-to-Chinese list of Climate names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Chinese language skills through popular words and play Chinese quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Chinese language, then the 1000 most common Chinese words will help you to learn the Chinese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Climate vocabulary words in Chinese.

Climate names in Chinese and English - Common Chinese Vocabulary

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List of Climate names in Chinese with English Pronunciation

Learn Climate in Chinese, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Chinese vocabulary for daily conversations.

Climate names - Chinese

Polar 极性 Ji xing
Temperate 温和的 Wenhe de
Arid 干旱 Ganhan
Tropical 热带 Redai
Mediterranean 地中海 Dizhonghai
Tundra 苔原 Taiyuan
Air pollution 空气污染 Kongqi wuran
Air pressure 空气压力 kongqiyali
Atmospheric pressure 气压 qi ya
Avalanche 雪崩 xuebeng
Blizzard 暴风雪 baofengxue
Cloudiness 多云 duoyun
Cyclone 气旋 qixuan
Drizzle 细雨 xi yu
Drought 干旱 ganhan
Earthquake 地震 dizhen
Famine 饥荒 jihuang
Flood 洪水 hongshui
Fog 多雾路段 duo wu luduan
Frost 霜 shuang
Hail 冰雹 bingbao
Heat wave 热浪 relang
Humidity 湿度 shidu
Hurricane 飓风 jufeng
Ice storm 冰暴 bing bao
Mist 薄雾 bo wu
Monsoon 季风 jifeng
Mudslide 泥石流 nishiliu
Overcast 灰蒙蒙 hui mengmeng
Rainfall 雨量 yuliang
Rainstorm 暴雨 baoyu
Sandstorm 沙暴 shabao
Sleet 霰 xian
Smog 烟雾 yanwu
Snow 雪 xue
Snowfall 降雪 jiangxue
Snowflakes 雪花 xuehua
Snowstorm 暴风雪 baofengxue
Solar radiation 太阳辐射 taiyang fushe
Squall 飑 biao
Storm 风暴 fengbao
Temperature 温度 wendu
Thunderstorm 雷雨 leiyu
Tornado 龙卷风 longjuanfeng
Tropical storm 热带风暴 redai fengbao
Tsunami 海啸 haixiao
Typhoon 台风 taifeng
Volcanic eruption 火山爆发 huoshan baofa
Water vapor 水蒸气 shui zhengqi
Wind chill 风寒 fenghan
Wind velocity 风速 fengsu
Windstorm 风暴 fengbao

Top 1000 Chinese words

Here you learn top 1000 Chinese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Chinese meanings with transliteration.

Eat 吃 chi
All 全部 quan bu
New 新的 xin de
Snore 鼾 han
Fast 快速地 kuai su de
Help 帮助 bang zhu
Pain 痛 tong
Rain 雨 yu
Pride 自豪 zi hao
Sense 感觉 gan jue
Large 大 da
Skill 技能 ji neng
Panic 恐慌 kong huang
Thank 谢谢 xie xie
Desire 欲望 yu wang
Woman 女士 nu shi
Hungry 饥饿的 ji e de

Daily use Chinese Sentences

Here you learn top Chinese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chinese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning 早上好 Zaoshang hao
What is your name 你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi
What is your problem 你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti?
I hate you 我恨你 Wo hen ni
I love you 我爱你 Wo ai ni
Can I help you 我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma?
I am sorry 对不起 duibuqi
I want to sleep 我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao
This is very important 这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao
Are you hungry 你饿了吗? Ni ele ma?
How is your life 你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang?
I am going to study 我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi
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