Occupation names in Chinese and English - Common Chinese Vocabulary
Learn common Chinese vocabulary with this English-to-Chinese list of Occupation names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Chinese language skills through popular words and play Chinese quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Chinese language, then the 1000 most common Chinese words will help you to learn the Chinese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Occupation vocabulary words in Chinese.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Occupation names in Chinese with English Pronunciation
Learn Occupation in Chinese, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Chinese vocabulary for daily conversations.
Occupation names - Chinese
Accountant | 会计 kuaiji |
Actor | 演员 yanyuan |
Actress | 演员 yanyuan |
Advocate | 提倡 tichang |
Agent | 代理人 daili ren |
Architect | 建筑师 jianzhu shi |
Artist | 艺术家 yishujia |
Auctioneer | 拍卖 paimai |
Author | 作者 zuòzhe |
Baker | 面包师 mianbao shi |
Barber | 理发师 lifa shi |
Betel Seller | 卖槟榔 mai binlang |
Blacksmith | 铁匠 tiejiang |
Boatman | 船工 chuangong |
Brasier | 胸罩 xiongzhao |
Broker | 经纪人 jingji ren |
Bus driver | 巴士司机 bashi siji |
Butcher | 屠夫 tufu |
Butler | 管家 guanjia |
Carpenter | 木匠 mujiang |
Carrier | 载体 zaiti |
Cashier | 出纳员 chuna yuan |
Chauffeur | 司机 siji |
Chemist | 化学家 huaxue jia |
Cleaner | 清洁工 qingjie gong |
Clerk | 文员 wenyuan |
Coachman | 车夫 chefu |
Cobbler | 皮匠 pijiang |
Collector | 集电极 ji dianji |
Compositor | 合成器 hecheng qi |
Compounder | 复合机 fuhe ji |
Conductor | 导体 daoti |
Confectioner | 糖果商 tangguo shang |
Constable | 警官 jingguan |
Contractor | 承包商 chengbao shang |
Cook | 厨师 chushi |
Coolie | 苦力 ku li |
Craftsman | 工匠 gongjiang |
Dancer | 舞蹈家 wudao jia |
Dentist | 牙医 yayi |
Designer | 设计师 sheji shi |
Doctor | 医生 yisheng |
Draftsman | 绘图员 huitu yuan |
Dramatist | 剧作家 ju zuòjia |
Draper | 布匹 bupi |
Druggist | 药剂师 yaoji shi |
Dyer | 染色工 ranse gong |
Editor | 编辑 bianji |
Electrician | 电工 diangong |
Engineer | 工程师 gongchengshi |
Examiner | 考官 kaoguan |
Farmer | 农民 nongmin |
Fireman | 消防队员 xiaofang duiyuan |
Fisherman | 渔夫 yufu |
Florist | 花店 hua dian |
Gardener | 园丁 yuanding |
Glazier | 玻璃工 boli gong |
Goldsimth | 金西姆斯 jin xi mu si |
Hairdresser | 美发师 meifa shi |
Hawker | 小贩 xiaofan |
Inspector | 检查员 jiancha yuan |
Jeweller | 珠宝商 zhubao shang |
Journalist | 记者 jizhe |
Judge | 法官 faguan |
Labourer | 劳动者 laodòng zhe |
Landlord | 房东 fangdong |
Lawyer | 律师 lǜshi |
Lecturer | 讲师 jiangshi |
Librarian | 图书管理员 tushu guanli yuan |
Lifeguard | 救生员 jiusheng yuan |
Magician | 魔术师 moshu shi |
Manager | 经理 jingli |
Mason | 石匠 shijiang |
Mechanic | 机械 jixie |
Merchant | 商人 shangren |
Messenger | 信使 xinshi |
Midwife | 助产士 zhuchanshi |
Milkmaid | 挤奶女工 ji nai nǚgong |
Milkman | 送奶工 sòng nai gong |
Minister | 部长 buzhang |
Model | 模型 moxing |
Musician | 音乐家 yinyue jia |
News reader | 新闻阅读器 xinwen yuedu qi |
Novelist | 小说家 xiaoshuo jia |
Nurse | 护士 hushi |
Oilman | 油工 you gong |
Operator | 操作员 caozuò yuan |
Optician | 配镜师 pei jing shi |
Painter | 画家 huajia |
Peon | 日工 ri gong |
Perfumer | 调香师 diao xiang shi |
Pharmacist | 药剂师 yaoji shi |
Photographer | 摄影师 sheying shi |
Physician | 医师 yishi |
Pilot | 飞行员 feixingyuan |
Plumber | 水管工 shuiguan gong |
Poet | 诗人 shiren |
Policeman | 警察 jingcha |
Politician | 政治家 zhengzhi jia |
Postman | 邮差 youchai |
Potter | 陶工 taogong |
Priest | 牧师 mushi |
Printer | 打印机 dayinji |
Proprietor | 业主 yezhu |
Publisher | 出版商 chuban shang |
Receptionist | 接待员 jiedai yuan |
Retailer | 零售商 lingshòu shang |
Sailor | 水手 shuishou |
Scientist | 科学家 kexuejia |
Sculptor | 雕塑家 diaosu jia |
Secretary | 秘书 mishu |
Seedsman | 种子人 zhongzi ren |
Shoemaker | 鞋匠 xiejiang |
Shop assistant | 售货员 shòuhuòyuan |
Shopkeeper | 店主 dianzhu |
Soldier | 士兵 shibing |
Surgeon | 外科医生 waike yisheng |
Sweeper | 清扫车 qingsao che |
Tailor | 裁缝 caifeng |
Taxi driver | 出租车司机 chuzu che siji |
Teacher | 老师 laoshi |
Translator | 翻译 fanyi |
Travel agent | 旅行社 lǚxingshe |
Treasurer | 司库 siku |
Turner | 车工 chegong |
Vaccinator | 接种者 jiezhong zhe |
Veterinary doctor | 兽医 shòuyi |
Waiter | 服务员 fuwuyuan |
Waitress | 女服务员 nǚ fuwuyuan |
Washerman | 洗衣机 xiyiji |
Washerwoman | 洗衣妇 xiyi fu |
Watchman | 守望者 shouwang zhe |
Weaver | 织布工 zhi bu gong |
Workers | 工人 gongren |
Writer | 作家 zuòjia |
Top 1000 Chinese words
Here you learn top 1000 Chinese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Chinese meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Chinese Sentences
Here you learn top Chinese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chinese meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | 早上好 Zaoshang hao |
What is your name | 你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi |
What is your problem | 你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti? |
I hate you | 我恨你 Wo hen ni |
I love you | 我爱你 Wo ai ni |
Can I help you | 我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma? |
I am sorry | 对不起 duibuqi |
I want to sleep | 我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao |
This is very important | 这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao |
Are you hungry | 你饿了吗? Ni ele ma? |
How is your life | 你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang? |
I am going to study | 我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi |
Chinese Vocabulary

Chinese Grammar

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