Religion vocabulary words in Chinese and English - Common Chinese Vocabulary
Learn common Chinese vocabulary with this English-to-Chinese list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Chinese language skills through popular words and play Chinese quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Chinese language, then the 1000 most common Chinese words will help you to learn the Chinese language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Chinese.

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List of Religion vocabulary words in Chinese with English Pronunciation
Learn Religion in Chinese, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Chinese vocabulary for daily conversations.
Religion vocabulary words - Chinese
Acolyte | 追随者 zhuisui zhe |
Adulteress | 淫妇 yin fu |
Angel | 天使 tianshi |
Anointed | 受膏 shou gao |
Apologist | 道歉者 daoqian zhe |
Apostasy | 叛教 pan jiao |
Atonement | 赎罪 shuzui |
Baptise | 洗礼 xili |
Basilica | 大教堂 da jiaotang |
Beatification | 宣福礼 xuan fu li |
Belief | 信仰 xinyang |
Canonical | 典范 dianfan |
Ceremonial | 仪式 yishi |
Chapel | 教堂 jiaotang |
Chastity | 贞洁 zhenjie |
Christian | 基督教 jidujiao |
Church | 教会 jiaohui |
Cloister | 回廊 huilang |
Conclave | 秘密会议 mimi huiyi |
Confession | 忏悔 chanhui |
Conformist | 墨守成规 moshouchenggui |
Congregation | 会众 huizhong |
Consecrate | 供奉 gongfeng |
Contrition | 忏悔 chanhui |
Crucifix | 十字架 shizijia |
Cult | 邪教 xiejiao |
Damnation | 诅咒 zuzhou |
Deceitful | 骗人的 pian ren de |
Deity | 神 shen |
Demon | 恶魔 emo |
Devil | 魔鬼 mogui |
Dignitary | 显贵 xiangui |
Divine | 神圣的 shensheng de |
Epiphany | 顿悟 dunwu |
Exegesis | 注释 zhushi |
Expiate | 赎罪 shuzui |
Faith | 信仰 xinyang |
Faithless | 背信弃义 beixinqiyi |
Fetish | 恋物癖 lian wu pi |
Fiend | 恶魔 emo |
Fornication | 淫乱 yinluan |
Friar | 修士 xiushi |
Genesis | 创世纪 chuangshiji |
Gentile | 外邦人 wai bangren |
God | 上帝 shangdi |
Hallowed | 神圣的 shensheng de |
Heathen | 异教徒 yi jiaotu |
Heaven | 天堂 tiantang |
Hell | 地狱 diyu |
Heresy | 异端 yiduan |
Hermitage | 隐居处 yinju chu |
Hindi | 印地语 yin di yu |
Holiness | 圣洁 shengjie |
Holy | 圣 sheng |
Hymnal | 赞美诗 zanmeishi |
Idolatry | 偶像崇拜 ouxiang chongbai |
Immolation | 献祭 xian ji |
Incumbent | 现任 xianren |
Infidelity | 不忠 bu zhong |
Inquisitor | 调查官 diaocha guan |
Interdict | 禁令 jinling |
Intone | 音调 yindiao |
Invocation | 调用 diaoyong |
Lecher | 登徒子 deng tu zi |
Lectern | 讲台 jiangtai |
Legate | 使节 shijie |
Legation | 使馆 shiguan |
Litany | 长篇大论 changpiandalun |
Liturgy | 礼仪 liyi |
Lord | 主 zhu |
Majesty | 威严 weiyan |
Malefactor | 作恶者 zuo'e zhe |
Marvel | 奇迹 qiji |
Miracle | 奇迹 qiji |
Monastic | 修道士 xiudao shi |
Mortify | 羞辱 xiuru |
Mosque | 清真寺 qingzhensi |
Mourner | 哀悼者 aidao zhe |
Mundane | 世俗的 shisu de |
Muslim | 穆斯林 musilin |
Nave | 中殿 zhong dian |
Nectar | 花蜜 huami |
Nirvana | 涅槃 niepan |
Nonbeliever | 非信徒 fei xintu |
Nunnery | 尼姑庵 nigu an |
Oath | 誓言 shiyan |
Obedience | 服从 fucong |
Officiate | 主持 zhuchi |
Omen | 预兆 yuzhao |
Omnipotent | 无所不能 wu suo buneng |
Oracular | 神谕 shen yu |
Oratory | 演说 yanshuo |
Ordination | 受戒 shoujie |
Orthodoxy | 正统 zhengtong |
Pantheon | 万神殿 wan shendian |
Papal | 教皇 jiaohuang |
Papist | 教皇派 jiaohuang pai |
Parish | 教区 jiaoqu |
Patriarch | 族长 zuzhang |
Patriarchate | 宗主教制 zong zhujiao zhi |
Penance | 苦修 ku xiu |
Pilgrimage | 朝圣 chaosheng |
Pontiff | 教皇 jiaohuang |
Porch | 门廊 menlang |
Prayer | 祷告 daogao |
Preach | 讲道 jiang dao |
Preacher | 牧师 mushi |
Priest | 牧师 mushi |
Primate | 灵长类动物 ling chang lei dongwu |
Priory | 修道院 xiudaoyuan |
Profane | 亵渎 xiedu |
Prophesy | 预言 yuyan |
Proselytize | 传教 chuanjiao |
Providence | 天意 tianyi |
Psyche | 精神 jingshen |
Pulpit | 讲坛 jiangtan |
Rapt | 全神贯注 quanshenguanzhu |
Rebirth | 重生 chongsheng |
Recant | 放弃 fangqi |
Recluse | 隐士 yinshi |
Rectory | 教区长 jiaoqu zhang |
Refectory | 食堂 shitang |
Relic | 遗迹 yiji |
Religion | 宗教 zongjiao |
Religiosity | 宗教信仰 zongjiao xinyang |
Reliquary | 圣物箱 sheng wu xiang |
Remission | 缓解 huanjie |
Repent | 悔改 huigai |
Reprobate | 被遗弃的 bei yiqi de |
Requiem | 安魂曲 an hun qu |
Resurrect | 复活 fuhuo |
Resuscitate | 复苏 fusu |
Reverend | 牧师 mushi |
Revivalist | 复兴主义者 fuxing zhuyi zhe |
Rite | 仪式 yishi |
Rosary | 念珠 nianzhu |
Sacrifice | 牺牲 xisheng |
Secular | 世俗 shisu |
Seminarian | 修生 xiusheng |
Sermon | 讲道 jiang dao |
Sermonize | 布道 budao |
Shroud | 裹尸布 guo shi bu |
Sin | 罪 zui |
Spirit | 精神 jingshen |
Supplicant | 请求者 qingqiu zhe |
Surplice | 袈裟 jiasha |
Synod | 大会 dahui |
Tabernacle | 帐幕 zhangmu |
Taboo | 忌讳 jihui |
Tonsure | 剪发 jian fa |
Transgress | 越界 yuejie |
Travail | 劳苦 laoku |
Trespass | 侵入 qinru |
Tribulation | 苦难 kunan |
Trinity | 三位一体 sanweiyiti |
Trusting | 信任 xinren |
Ungodly | 不敬虔的 bu jingqian de |
Unholy | 邪恶的 xie'e de |
Unorthodox | 非正统 fei zhengtong |
Untouchable | 触不可及 chu buke ji |
Venerate | 崇敬 chongjing |
Veneration | 崇敬 chongjing |
Verily | 真的 zhen de |
Vow | 发誓 fashi |
Worshipper | 崇拜者 chongbai zhe |
Zealot | 狂热者 kuangre zhe |
Top 1000 Chinese words
Here you learn top 1000 Chinese words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Chinese meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Chinese Sentences
Here you learn top Chinese sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chinese meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | 早上好 Zaoshang hao |
What is your name | 你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi |
What is your problem | 你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti? |
I hate you | 我恨你 Wo hen ni |
I love you | 我爱你 Wo ai ni |
Can I help you | 我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma? |
I am sorry | 对不起 duibuqi |
I want to sleep | 我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao |
This is very important | 这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao |
Are you hungry | 你饿了吗? Ni ele ma? |
How is your life | 你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang? |
I am going to study | 我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi |
Chinese Vocabulary

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