He sentences in Corsican and English
‘He’ sentences in Corsican with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Corsican translation of He sentences and play He sentences quiz in Corsican language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Corsican sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Corsican language in an easy way. To learn Corsican language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

He sentences in Corsican and English
The list of 'He' sentences in Corsican language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Corsican translations.
He achieved his goal | Hà ottinutu u so scopu |
He accepted her gift | Hà accettatu u so rigalu |
He accepted my idea | Hà accettatu a mo idea |
He accepted the job | Hà accettatu u travagliu |
He admitted his mistakes | Hà ammissu i so sbagli |
He advised me not to smoke | M'hà cunsigliatu di ùn fumà |
He attained his goal | Hà righjuntu u so scopu |
He became famous | Hè diventatu famosu |
He became irritated | Hè diventatu irritatu |
He began to run | Cuminciò à curriri |
He broke the law | Hà violatu a lege |
He can read and write | Pò leghje è scrive |
He can read English easily | Pò leghje l'inglese facilmente |
He can run fast | Pò curriri prestu |
He came into the room | Hè ghjuntu in a stanza |
He achieved his goal | Hà ottinutu u so scopu |
He accepted her gift | Hà accettatu u so rigalu |
He accepted my idea | Hà accettatu a mo idea |
He accepted the job | Hà accettatu u travagliu |
He admitted his mistakes | Hà ammissu i so sbagli |
He advised me not to smoke | M'hà cunsigliatu di ùn fumà |
He attained his goal | Hà righjuntu u so scopu |
He became famous | Hè diventatu famosu |
He became irritated | Hè diventatu irritatu |
He began to run | Cuminciò à curriri |
He broke the law | Hà violatu a lege |
He can read and write | Pò leghje è scrive |
He can read English easily | Pò leghje l'inglese facilmente |
He can run fast | Pò curriri prestu |
He came into the room | Hè ghjuntu in a stanza |
He can swim very fast | Pò natà assai veloce |
He did not know what to say | Ùn sapia chì dì |
He did not speak | Ùn parlava micca |
He doesn't need to work | Ùn hà micca bisognu di travaglià |
He easily gets angry | Si arraggia facilmente |
He doesn't sing well | Ùn canta micca bè |
He got a lot of money | Hà avutu assai soldi |
He got angry | S'hè arrabbiatu |
He had an accident at work | Hà avutu un accidente à u travagliu |
He has a lot of money | Hà assai soldi |
He has his own room | Hà a so stanza |
He has left his family | Hà lasciatu a so famiglia |
He has ten cows | Hà dece vacche |
He was alone | Era solu |
He was brave | Era bravu |
He was cleaning his room | Stava pulendu a so stanza |
He was at home | Era in casa |
He was very busy all day | Era assai occupatu tuttu u ghjornu |
He was very happy | Era assai cuntentu |
He writes books | Scrive libri |
He was patient | Era paziente |
He walks slowly | Cammina pianu pianu |
He wants to meet you | Ci vole à scuntrà |
He was absent from school | Era assente da a scola |
He likes to read books | Li piace à leghje libri |
He likes to run | Li piace à curriri |
He lost his job | Hà persu u so travagliu |
He likes to swim | Li piace à natà |
He learned how to swim | Hà amparatu à natà |
He looks healthy | Sembra sanu |
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