There sentences in Corsican and English
‘There’ sentences in Corsican with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Corsican translation of There sentences and play There sentences quiz in Corsican language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Corsican sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Corsican language in an easy way. To learn Corsican language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

There sentences in Corsican and English
The list of 'There' sentences in Corsican language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Corsican translations.
There are a lot of problems we can't avoid | Ci hè parechje prublemi chì ùn pudemu micca evità |
There are many fish in this lake | Ci sò assai pesci in stu lavu |
There are many problems to solve | Ci hè parechje prublemi per risolve |
There are many rats on the ship | Ci sò parechji rati nantu à a nave |
There are some books on the desk | Ci sò qualchi libri nantu à a scrivania |
There is a cat under the bed | Ci hè un gattu sottu à u lettu |
There is a hole in his sock | Ci hè un pirtusu in u so calzino |
There is a lot of money | Ci hè assai soldi |
There is a very old temple in the town | Ci hè un tempiu assai anticu in a cità |
There is an exception to every rule | Ci hè una eccezzioni à ogni regula |
There is an apple on the table | Ci hè una mela nantu à a tavula |
There is little hope of success | Ci hè pocu speranza di successu |
There is no doubt | Ùn ci hè dubbitu |
There is no hope of his recovery | Ùn ci hè micca speranza di a so ricuperazione |
There is no need for him to work | Ùn ci hè bisognu di travaglià |
There are a lot of problems we can't avoid | Ci hè parechje prublemi chì ùn pudemu micca evità |
There are many fish in this lake | Ci sò assai pesci in stu lavu |
There are many problems to solve | Ci hè parechje prublemi per risolve |
There are many rats on the ship | Ci sò parechji rati nantu à a nave |
There are some books on the desk | Ci sò qualchi libri nantu à a scrivania |
There is a cat under the bed | Ci hè un gattu sottu à u lettu |
There is a hole in his sock | Ci hè un pirtusu in u so calzino |
There is a lot of money | Ci hè assai soldi |
There is a very old temple in the town | Ci hè un tempiu assai anticu in a cità |
There is an exception to every rule | Ci hè una eccezzioni à ogni regula |
There is an apple on the table | Ci hè una mela nantu à a tavula |
There is little hope of success | Ci hè pocu speranza di successu |
There is no doubt | Ùn ci hè dubbitu |
There is no hope of his recovery | Ùn ci hè micca speranza di a so ricuperazione |
There is no need for him to work | Ùn ci hè bisognu di travaglià |
There is no need for us to hurry | Ùn ci hè bisognu di noi di fretta |
There is nothing wrong with him | Ùn ci hè nunda di male cun ellu |
There isn't anyone in the room | Ùn ci hè nimu in a stanza |
There no hot water | Ùn ci hè acqua calda |
There was a lot of snow last year | Ci era assai neve l'annu passatu |
There was a sudden change in the weather | Ci hè statu un cambiamentu bruscu di u clima |
There was an accident at the intersection | Ci hè statu un accidente à l'intersezzione |
There was no bathroom | Ùn ci era micca bagnu |
There was nobody in the garden | Ùn ci era nimu in u giardinu |
There was nobody there | Ùn ci era nimu |
There were a lot of empty seats | Ci era assai posti vacanti |
There were many rotten apples in the basket | C'eranu assai pomi rotti in a cestera |
There were five murders this month | Ci hè statu cinque omicidi stu mese |
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