Occupation names in Corsican and English - Common Corsican Vocabulary

Learn common Corsican vocabulary with this English-to-Corsican list of Occupation names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Corsican language skills through popular words and play Corsican quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Corsican language, then the 1000 most common Corsican words will help you to learn the Corsican language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Occupation vocabulary words in Corsican.

Occupation names in Corsican and English - Common Corsican Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Occupation names in Corsican with English Pronunciation

Learn Occupation in Corsican, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Corsican vocabulary for daily conversations.

Occupation names - Corsican

Accountant contabile
Actor attore
Actress attrice
Advocate avvucatu
Agent agente
Architect architettu
Artist artista
Auctioneer banditore
Author autore
Baker panettiere
Barber barbiere
Betel Seller venditore di betel
Blacksmith fabbro
Boatman battellu
Brasier brasier
Broker broker
Bus driver driver d'autobus
Butcher macellaio
Butler maiordomo
Carpenter carpentiere
Carrier traspurtadore
Cashier cassier
Chauffeur chauffeur
Chemist chimicu
Cleaner più pulita
Clerk impiegatu
Coachman cocchiere
Cobbler calzolaru
Collector cullezzione
Compositor cumpusitore
Compounder cumpunente
Conductor cunduttore
Confectioner pasticciere
Constable cuntestable
Contractor cuntrattu
Cook coccu
Coolie coolie
Craftsman artighjanu
Dancer ballarina
Dentist dentista
Designer designer
Doctor duttore
Draftsman disegnatore
Dramatist drammaturgu
Draper draperu
Druggist farmacista
Dyer tintore
Editor editore
Electrician electricista
Engineer ingegnere
Examiner esaminatore
Farmer agricultore
Fireman pompiere
Fisherman piscadori
Florist fiurista
Gardener giardiniere
Glazier vitreru
Goldsimth goldsimth
Hairdresser parrucchiere
Hawker venditore
Inspector ispettore
Jeweller gioielliere
Journalist ghjurnalistu
Judge ghjudice
Labourer travagliadori
Landlord patrone
Lawyer avvucatu
Lecturer docente
Librarian bibliotecariu
Lifeguard salvatore
Magician magu
Manager manager
Mason muratore
Mechanic meccanicu
Merchant mercante
Messenger messenger
Midwife levatrice
Milkmaid lattiera
Milkman lattaio
Minister ministru
Model mudellu
Musician musicista
News reader lettore di nutizie
Novelist rumanzista
Nurse infermiera
Oilman oliu
Operator operatore
Optician otticu
Painter pittore
Peon peone
Perfumer prufumeria
Pharmacist farmacista
Photographer fotografu
Physician duttore
Pilot pilotu
Plumber plumber
Poet poeta
Policeman pulizzeru
Politician puliticu
Postman postmanu
Potter ceramista
Priest prete
Printer stampatore
Proprietor pruprietariu
Publisher editore
Receptionist receptionist
Retailer retailer
Sailor marinaru
Scientist scientist
Sculptor scultore
Secretary sicritariu
Seedsman sementista
Shoemaker calzolaio
Shop assistant assistente di buttrega
Shopkeeper cummerciante
Soldier suldatu
Surgeon chirurgu
Sweeper spazzatrice
Tailor sartu
Taxi driver tassista
Teacher maestru
Translator traduttore
Travel agent agente di viaghju
Treasurer tesoriere
Turner turner
Vaccinator vaccinator
Veterinary doctor duttore veterinariu
Waiter servitore
Waitress cameriera
Washerman lavanderia
Washerwoman lavandaie
Watchman guardianu
Weaver tessitore
Workers i travagliadori
Writer scrittore

Top 1000 Corsican words

Here you learn top 1000 Corsican words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Corsican meanings with transliteration.

Eat manghja
All tutti
New novu
Snore russà
Fast prestu
Help aiutu
Pain dulore
Rain piova
Pride orgogliu
Sense sensu
Large grande
Skill abilità
Panic panicu
Thank ringraziu
Desire desideriu
Woman donna
Hungry a fame

Daily use Corsican Sentences

Here you learn top Corsican sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Corsican meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonghjornu
What is your name Cumu hè u to nome
What is your problem Chì ghjè u vostru prublema ?
I hate you Ti odiu
I love you Ti tengu caru
Can I help you Possu aiutà ti?
I am sorry Mi dispiace
I want to sleep Vogliu dorme
This is very important Questu hè assai impurtante
Are you hungry Avete fame ?
How is your life Cumu hè a vostra vita ?
I am going to study Aghju da studià
Corsican Vocabulary
Corsican Dictionary

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