Household items names in Croatian and English - Common Croatian Vocabulary

Learn common Croatian vocabulary with this English-to-Croatian list of Household items names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Croatian language skills through popular words and play Croatian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Croatian language, then the 1000 most common Croatian words will help you to learn the Croatian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Household items vocabulary words in Croatian.

Household items names in Croatian and English - Common Croatian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Household items names in Croatian with English Pronunciation

Learn Household items in Croatian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Croatian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Household items names - Croatian

Blanket pokrivač
Bolster poduprijeti
Bolt vijak
Bottle boca
Box kutija
Brick cigla
Broom metla
Brush četka
Bucket kanta
Computer Računalo
Colors boje
Chair stolica
Towel ručnik
Dryer sušilica
Eraser gumica za brisanje
Almirah almirah
Apartment apartman
Ash pepeo
Attic potkrovlje
Basement podrum
Basket košara
Bathroom kupaonica
Bed krevet
Bedroom spavaća soba
Button dugme
Candle svijeća
Carpet tepih
Casket kovčeg
Cauldron kotao
Ceiling strop
Fan ventilator
Floss sirova svila
Foam pjena
Gym teretana
Garbage smeće
Globe Globus
Gate kapija
Grater rende
Glass stakla
Kettle čajnik
Kernel zrno
Umbrella kišobran
Uniform uniforma
Utensils posuđe
Atlas atlas
Book knjiga
Bag vrećica
Barometer barometar
Blender miješalica
Clothes odjeća
Containers spremnici
Camera fotoaparat
Grain žitarica
Garment odjevni predmet
Hammer čekić
Hearth ognjište
Hose crijevo
Hook kuka
Heater grijač
Headphones slušalice
Ruler vladar
Pen olovka
Iron željezo
Ice Cream sladoled
Jar staklenka
Juicer sokovnik
Jam pekmez
Jewelry nakit
Kite zmaj
Key ključ
Kitten mače
Kitchen kuhinja
Knives noževi
Lingerie donje rublje
Lamp lampa
Lock zaključati
Ladle kutlača
Light svjetlo
Mugs šalice
Medicines lijekovi
Mail pošta
Magnets magneti
Mop otrti
Makeup šminka
Fryer friteza
Plums šljive
Perfume parfem
Knife nož
Pitcher bacač
Printer pisač
Quilt jorgan
Radio radio
Raincoat kabanica
Ribbon vrpca
Rifle puška
Rouge rumenilo
Refrigerator hladnjak
Rugs prostirke
Range domet
Stereo stereo
Shades nijanse
Socks čarape
Stamps marke
Spoon žlica
Stapler spajalica
Sneakers tenisice
Scarf šal
Telephone telefon
Trumpet truba
Tapestry tapiserija
Throws bacanja
Timers mjerači vremena
Tissues tkiva
Toaster toster
Oven pećnica
Torch baklja
Vacuum vakuum
Vent otvor
Vase vaza
Washer perilica
Watch Gledati
Wardrobe garderoba
Hanger vješalica
Yardstick mjerilo
Yogurt jogurt
Yarn pređa
Zipper zatvarač

Top 1000 Croatian words

Here you learn top 1000 Croatian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Croatian meanings with transliteration.

Eat jesti
All svi
New novi
Snore hrkanje
Fast brzo
Help Pomozite
Pain bol
Rain kiša
Pride ponos
Sense osjećaj
Large velika
Skill vještina
Panic panika
Thank zahvaliti
Desire želja
Woman žena
Hungry gladan

Daily use Croatian Sentences

Here you learn top Croatian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Croatian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Dobro jutro
What is your name Kako se zoveš
What is your problem Koji je tvoj problem?
I hate you Mrzim te
I love you Volim te
Can I help you Mogu li vam pomoći?
I am sorry žao mi je
I want to sleep želim spavati
This is very important Ovo je veoma važno
Are you hungry Jesi li gladan?
How is your life Kako je tvoj život?
I am going to study idem učiti
Croatian Vocabulary
Croatian Dictionary

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