We sentences in Croatian and English
‘We’ sentences in Croatian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Croatian translation of We sentences and play We sentences quiz in Croatian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Croatian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Croatian language in an easy way. To learn Croatian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

We sentences in Croatian and English
The list of 'We' sentences in Croatian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Croatian translations.
We accepted his invitation | Prihvatili smo njegov poziv |
We adopted a child | Posvojili smo dijete |
We all make mistakes | Svi griješimo |
We are happy | Mi smo sretni |
We are men | Mi smo muškarci |
We are moving next month | Selimo se sljedeći mjesec |
We are very similar | Jako smo slični |
We can make change | Možemo napraviti promjenu |
We cook everyday | Kuhamo svaki dan |
We depend on you | Ovisimo o vama |
We enjoy talking | Uživamo u razgovoru |
We enjoyed it | Uživali smo |
We expect good results | Očekujemo dobre rezultate |
We had a large audience | Imali smo brojnu publiku |
We had a wonderful time | Bilo nam je prekrasno |
We accepted his invitation | Prihvatili smo njegov poziv |
We adopted a child | Posvojili smo dijete |
We all make mistakes | Svi griješimo |
We are happy | Mi smo sretni |
We are men | Mi smo muškarci |
We are moving next month | Selimo se sljedeći mjesec |
We are very similar | Jako smo slični |
We can make change | Možemo napraviti promjenu |
We cook everyday | Kuhamo svaki dan |
We depend on you | Ovisimo o vama |
We enjoy talking | Uživamo u razgovoru |
We enjoyed it | Uživali smo |
We expect good results | Očekujemo dobre rezultate |
We had a large audience | Imali smo brojnu publiku |
We had a wonderful time | Bilo nam je prekrasno |
We have enough time | Imamo dovoljno vremena |
We have finished lunch | Završili smo ručak |
We have plenty of time | Imamo dovoljno vremena |
We lost the game | Izgubili smo utakmicu |
We love each other | Volimo jedni druge |
We must go to school | Moramo ići u školu |
We must keep calm | Moramo ostati mirni |
We need some money | Trebamo nešto novca |
We obeyed the rules | Poštivali smo pravila |
We started to walk | Počeli smo hodati |
We studied English | Učili smo engleski |
We will never agree | Nikad se nećemo složiti |
We will do anything for you | Učinit ćemo sve za vas |
We will do our best | Dat ćemo sve od sebe |
We want something new | Želimo nešto novo |
We should be very careful | Trebali bismo biti vrlo oprezni |
‘We’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Croatian words
Here you learn top 1000 Croatian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Croatian meanings with transliteration.
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