The sentences in Czech and English

‘The’ sentences in Czech with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Czech translation of The sentences and play The sentences quiz in Czech language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Czech sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Czech language in an easy way. To learn Czech language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

The sentences in Czech

The sentences in Czech and English

The list of 'The' sentences in Czech language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Czech translations.

The area was quiet oblast byla tichá
The baby is crying dítě pláče
The baby was fast asleep dítě tvrdě spalo
The book is easy kniha je snadná
The boy began to cry chlapec začal plakat
The boy caught the dog chlapec chytil psa
The boy is kind chlapec je laskavý
The boys kept quiet chlapci mlčeli
The car is ready auto je připraveno
The car is very fast auto je velmi rychlé
The children are sleeping děti spí
The class begins at morning hodina začíná ráno
The desk is made of wood stůl je vyroben ze dřeva
The dog is dead pes je mrtvý
The dog is dying pes umírá
The area was quiet oblast byla tichá
The baby is crying dítě pláče
The baby was fast asleep dítě tvrdě spalo
The book is easy kniha je snadná
The boy began to cry chlapec začal plakat
The boy caught the dog chlapec chytil psa
The boy is kind chlapec je laskavý
The boys kept quiet chlapci mlčeli
The car is ready auto je připraveno
The car is very fast auto je velmi rychlé
The children are sleeping děti spí
The class begins at morning hodina začíná ráno
The desk is made of wood stůl je vyroben ze dřeva
The dog is dead pes je mrtvý
The dog is dying pes umírá
The dog is white pes je bílý
The earth is round země je kulatá
The food is cold jídlo je studené
The food wasn't good jídlo nebylo dobré
The furniture was dusty nábytek byl zaprášený
The girl trembled with fear dívka se třásla strachem
The house is on fire dům je v plamenech
The ice has melted led roztál
The law was changed byl změněn zákon
The news can't be true zprávy nemohou být pravdivé
The pain was terrible bolest byla strašná
The river is wide řeka je široká
The room is hot místnost je horká
The room was locked pokoj byl zamčený
The room was warm v místnosti bylo teplo
The woman is reading žena čte

‘The’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Czech words

Here you learn top 1000 Czech words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Czech meanings with transliteration.

Eat jíst
All Všechno
New Nový
Snore chrápání
Fast rychle
Help Pomoc
Pain bolest
Rain déšť
Pride hrdost
Sense smysl
Large velký
Skill dovednost
Panic panika
Thank poděkovat
Desire touha
Woman žena
Hungry hladový
Czech Vocabulary
Czech Dictionary

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