Occupation names in Dutch and English - Common Dutch Vocabulary

Learn common Dutch vocabulary with this English-to-Dutch list of Occupation names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Dutch language skills through popular words and play Dutch quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Dutch language, then the 1000 most common Dutch words will help you to learn the Dutch language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Occupation vocabulary words in Dutch.

Occupation names in Dutch and English - Common Dutch Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Occupation names in Dutch with English Pronunciation

Learn Occupation in Dutch, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Dutch vocabulary for daily conversations.

Occupation names - Dutch

Accountant accountant
Actor acteur
Actress actrice
Advocate pleiten voor
Agent agent
Architect architect
Artist artiest
Auctioneer veilingmeester
Author schrijver
Baker bakker
Barber kapper
Betel Seller betel verkoper
Blacksmith smid
Boatman schipper
Brasier damesondergoed dat de borsten ondersteunt
Broker makelaar
Bus driver buschauffeur
Butcher slager
Butler butler
Carpenter timmerman
Carrier vervoerder
Cashier Kassa
Chauffeur chauffeur
Chemist scheikundige
Cleaner schoner
Clerk bediende
Coachman koetsier
Cobbler schoenmaker
Collector verzamelaar
Compositor componist
Compounder samensteller
Conductor geleider
Confectioner banketbakker
Constable agent
Contractor aannemer
Cook koken
Coolie koelie
Craftsman vakman
Dancer danser
Dentist tandarts
Designer ontwerper
Doctor dokter
Draftsman tekenaar
Dramatist toneelschrijver
Draper draper
Druggist drogist
Dyer verver
Editor editor
Electrician elektricien
Engineer ingenieur
Examiner examinator
Farmer boer
Fireman brandweerman
Fisherman visser
Florist bloemist
Gardener tuinman
Glazier glazenmaker
Goldsimth goldsimth
Hairdresser kapper
Hawker venter
Inspector inspecteur
Jeweller juwelier
Journalist journalist
Judge rechter
Labourer arbeider
Landlord landheer
Lawyer advocaat
Lecturer docent
Librarian bibliothecaris
Lifeguard badmeester
Magician goochelaar
Manager manager
Mason metselaar
Mechanic monteur
Merchant handelaar
Messenger boodschapper
Midwife verloskundige
Milkmaid melkmeisje
Milkman melkboer
Minister minister
Model model-
Musician musicus
News reader nieuwslezer
Novelist romanschrijver
Nurse verpleegster
Oilman olieman
Operator operator
Optician opticien
Painter schilder
Peon peon
Perfumer parfumeur
Pharmacist apotheker
Photographer fotograaf
Physician arts
Pilot piloot
Plumber loodgieter
Poet dichter
Policeman politieagent
Politician politicus
Postman postbode
Potter pottenbakker
Priest priester
Printer printer
Proprietor eigenaar
Publisher uitgever
Receptionist receptioniste
Retailer detailhandelaar
Sailor matroos
Scientist wetenschapper
Sculptor beeldhouwer
Secretary secretaris
Seedsman zaadhandelaar
Shoemaker schoenmaker
Shop assistant winkel assistent
Shopkeeper winkelier
Soldier soldaat
Surgeon chirurg
Sweeper veger
Tailor kleermaker
Taxi driver taxi chauffeur
Teacher leraar
Translator vertaler
Travel agent reis agent
Treasurer penningmeester
Turner Turner
Vaccinator vaccinateur
Veterinary doctor dierenarts
Waiter ober
Waitress serveerster
Washerman wasman
Washerwoman wasvrouw
Watchman wachter
Weaver wever
Workers arbeiders
Writer auteur

Top 1000 Dutch words

Here you learn top 1000 Dutch words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Dutch meanings with transliteration.

Eat eten
All alle
New nieuwe
Snore snurken
Fast snel
Help helpen
Pain pijn
Rain regenen
Pride trots
Sense gevoel
Large groot
Skill vaardigheid
Panic paniek
Thank dank
Desire verlangen
Woman vrouw
Hungry hongerig

Daily use Dutch Sentences

Here you learn top Dutch sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Dutch meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Goedemorgen
What is your name Wat is jouw naam
What is your problem wat is je probleem?
I hate you ik haat je
I love you ik hou van jou
Can I help you kan ik u helpen?
I am sorry het spijt me
I want to sleep ik wil slapen
This is very important Dit is erg belangrijk
Are you hungry heb je honger?
How is your life Hoe gaat het?
I am going to study ik ga studeren
Dutch Vocabulary
Dutch Dictionary

Fruits Quiz

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Occupation Quiz