Plant names in Esperanto and English - Common Esperanto Vocabulary

Learn common Esperanto vocabulary with this English-to-Esperanto list of Plant names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Esperanto language skills through popular words and play Esperanto quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Esperanto language, then the 1000 most common Esperanto words will help you to learn the Esperanto language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Plant vocabulary words in Esperanto.

Plant names in Esperanto and English - Common Esperanto Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Plant names in Esperanto with English Pronunciation

Learn Plant in Esperanto, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Esperanto vocabulary for daily conversations.

Plant names - Esperanto

Acorn glano
Agriculture agrikulturo
Angiosperm angiospermo
Autotroph aŭtotrofo
Axilary bud aksa burĝono
Biennial dujara
Blade klingo
Blossom florado
Botany botaniko
Bract brakteo
Branch branĉo
Bromeliad bromeliad
Bud burĝono
Cactus kakto
Calyx kaliko
Canopy baldakeno
Carpel karpelo
Clover trifolio
Cork korko
Dicot dikoto
Endosperm endospermo
Epicotyl epikotilo
Evergreen ĉiamverda
Fern filiko
Fertilizer sterko
Filament filamento
Flora flaŭro
Flower floro
Foliage foliaro
Garden ĝardeno
Germinate ĝermi
Ginkgo ginkgo
Grain greno
Grass herbo
Grove arbareto
Grow kreski
Gum gumo
Hardy hardita
Hastate hasti
Herb herbo
Horticulture hortikulturo
Hybrid hibrida
Inflorescence infloresko
Internode internodo
Ivy hedero
Jungle ĝangalo
Juniper junipero
Kudzu kudzu
Lamina lamina
Leaf folio
Legume guŝo
Meristem meristemo
Midrib mezripo
Monocot monobebolito
Moss musko
Nectar nektaro
Needle kudrilo
Node nodo
Nut nukso
Ovary ovario
Palm palmo
Palmate palmeca
Peduncle pedunklo
Perennial plurjara
Petal petalo
Petiole petiolo
Phloem floemo
Photosynthesis fotosintezo
Pinnate pinata
Pistil pistilo
Pith pith
Plumule plumule
Pollen poleno
Pollinate poleni
Prickle piki
Rachis raĉizo
Reniform reniforma
Resin rezino
Reticulate reteca
Rings ringoj
Root radiko
Sap suko
Sapling arbido
Seed semo
Seedling plantido
Sepal sepalo
Shamrock trifolio
Shoot pafi
Shrub arbusto
Soil grundo
Spine spino
Spore sporo
Sprout ŝosi
Stalk Gvati
Stamen stameno
Stand stari
Stem tigo
Stigma stigmato
Stipule stipule
Stoma stoma
Succulent suka
Sunlight sunlumo
Tap root taproot
Thorn dorno
Tree arbo
Trunk kofro
Tuber tubero
Twig branĉeto
Understory subvegetaĵa
Vascular plant vaskula planto
Vein vejno
Venation venation
Vine vinberujo
Weed fiherbo
Whorled volvita

Top 1000 Esperanto words

Here you learn top 1000 Esperanto words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Esperanto meanings with transliteration.

Eat manĝi
All ĉiuj
New nova
Snore ronki
Fast rapida
Help helpo
Pain doloro
Rain pluvo
Pride fiero
Sense senco
Large granda
Skill lerteco
Panic paniko
Thank dankon
Desire deziro
Woman virino
Hungry malsata

Daily use Esperanto Sentences

Here you learn top Esperanto sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Esperanto meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonan matenon
What is your name Kio estas via nomo
What is your problem kio estas via problemo?
I hate you mi malamas vin
I love you mi amas vin
Can I help you Ĉu mi povas helpi vin?
I am sorry mi bedaŭras
I want to sleep mi volas dormi
This is very important Ĉi tio estas tre grava
Are you hungry Ĉu vi malsatas?
How is your life kiel fartas via vivo?
I am going to study mi iras studi
Esperanto Vocabulary
Esperanto Dictionary

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