Thank sentences in Estonian and English

‘Thank’ sentences in Estonian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Estonian translation of Thank sentences and play Thank sentences quiz in Estonian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Estonian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Estonian language in an easy way. To learn Estonian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

Thank sentences in Estonian

Thank sentences in Estonian and English

The list of 'Thank' sentences in Estonian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Estonian translations.

Thank you Aitäh
Thank you for your invitation Täname teid kutse eest
Thank you for your letter Tänan Teid kirja eest
Thank you so much for inviting me Tänan teid väga kutsumast
Thank you so much Tänan sind väga
Thank You very much Tänan teid väga
Thanks a lot Tänud
Thanks for your help Tänan abi eest
Thanks a million! Tuhat tänu!
Thank you for coming to meet me Tänan, et tulite minuga kohtuma
Thank you for coming Tänan, et tulite
Thank you for inviting me Aitäh et mind kutsusid
Thank you for inviting us Täname teid kutsumast
Thank you for the advice Tänan teid nõuande eest
Thank you for the information Tänan teid teabe eest
Thank you Aitäh
Thank you for your invitation Täname teid kutse eest
Thank you for your letter Tänan Teid kirja eest
Thank you so much for inviting me Tänan teid väga kutsumast
Thank you so much Tänan sind väga
Thank You very much Tänan teid väga
Thanks a lot Tänud
Thanks for your help Tänan abi eest
Thanks a million! Tuhat tänu!
Thank you for coming to meet me Tänan, et tulite minuga kohtuma
Thank you for coming Tänan, et tulite
Thank you for inviting me Aitäh et mind kutsusid
Thank you for inviting us Täname teid kutsumast
Thank you for the advice Tänan teid nõuande eest
Thank you for the information Tänan teid teabe eest
Thanks for bringing me here Aitäh, et tõid mind siia
Thanks for coming over tonight Täname, et tulite täna õhtul
Thanks for your explanation Täname selgituse eest
Thanks for the compliment Aitäh komplimendi eest
Thanks for the information Tänan informatsiooni eest
Thanks for your understanding Aitäh mõistmise eest
Thanks for accepting Täname vastuvõtmise eest
Thanks to you Tänu sulle
Thanks to all Tänud kõigile
Thanks to god Tänu Jumalale
Thanks again Aitäh veel kord
Thanks to my family Tänu minu perele
Thanks to meet you Tänan teid kohtumast
Thanks in advance Ette tänades
Thank you for supporting me Aitäh, et mind toetasite

‘Thank’ sentences in other languages (40+)

Top 1000 Estonian words

Here you learn top 1000 Estonian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Estonian meanings with transliteration.

Eat sööma
All kõik
New uus
Snore norskama
Fast kiire
Help abi
Pain valu
Rain vihma
Pride uhkus
Sense meel
Large suur
Skill oskus
Panic paanika
Thank tänan
Desire soov
Woman naine
Hungry näljane
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Estonian Dictionary

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