Politics vocabulary words in Estonian and English - Common Estonian Vocabulary

Learn common Estonian vocabulary with this English-to-Estonian list of Politics vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Estonian language skills through popular words and play Estonian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Estonian language, then the 1000 most common Estonian words will help you to learn the Estonian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Politics vocabulary words in Estonian.

Politics vocabulary words in Estonian and English - Common Estonian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Politics vocabulary words in Estonian with English Pronunciation

Learn Politics in Estonian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Estonian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Politics vocabulary words - Estonian

Absolutism absolutism
Activist aktivist
Advisor nõuandja
Advocacy propageerimine
Agitation agitatsioon
Agrarian agraar
Agreement kokkuleppele
Amity sõprus
Assembly kokkupanek
Authority asutus
Awareness teadlikkust
Civilization tsivilisatsioon
Classism klassitsism
Coalition koalitsioon
Cohabitation kooselu
Collusion kokkumängu
Colonial koloniaal
Committee Komisjon
Communism kommunism
Confederacy konföderatsioon
Conference konverents
Conflict konflikt
Constitution põhiseadus
Convention konventsioon
Corruption korruptsiooni
Council nõukogu
Country riik
Countryman maamees
Court kohus
Crisis kriis
Culture kultuur
Debate arutelu
Delegation delegatsioon
Democracy demokraatia
Demonstration demonstratsioon
Deprecate taunima
Deputize asendama
Despotic despootlik
Diplomacy diplomaatia
Dissenter teisitimõtleja
Donation annetus
Duty kohustus
Dynasty dünastia
Economy majandust
Election valimised
Elective valikaine
Elite eliit
Embargo embargo
Embassy saatkond
Emblem embleem
Emigrant emigrant
Empire impeerium
Enrolment sissekirjutus
Environment keskkond
Equality võrdsus
Escape põgeneda
Executive tegevjuht
Expenditure kulutusi
Faction fraktsioon
Federation föderatsioon
Fund fond
Government valitsus
Inauguration inauguratsioon
Income tulu
Inflation inflatsiooni
Institution institutsioon
Leader juht
Legation legatsioon
Liberal liberaalne
Limpet lonkav
Lobbyist lobist
Mandate mandaat
Member liige
Mutuality vastastikune seos
News uudised
Obeisance kummardus
Objector vastulause esitaja
Oligarchy oligarhia
Opposition opositsioon
Pact pakt
Parliament parlament
Patrician patriits
Policy poliitika
Politics poliitika
Population elanikkonnast
Preside juhatama
Prison vanglas
Proletarian proletaarlane
Promulgate välja kuulutada
Proponent pooldaja
Provoke provotseerida
Racialism rassism
Recant loobuma
Recapture tagasi võtta
Recuse loobuma
Reform reform
Relationship suhe
Republic Vabariik
Requisition rekvireerimine
Royalty autoritasu
Sanction sanktsioon
Society ühiskond
Statute põhikiri
Success edu
Tax maks
Theory teooria
Value väärtus
Voting hääletamine
War sõda
Welfare heaolu
Wield vehkima

Top 1000 Estonian words

Here you learn top 1000 Estonian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Estonian meanings with transliteration.

Eat sööma
All kõik
New uus
Snore norskama
Fast kiire
Help abi
Pain valu
Rain vihma
Pride uhkus
Sense meel
Large suur
Skill oskus
Panic paanika
Thank tänan
Desire soov
Woman naine
Hungry näljane

Daily use Estonian Sentences

Here you learn top Estonian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Estonian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Tere hommikust
What is your name Mis su nimi on
What is your problem Mis on Sinu probleem?
I hate you ma vihkan sind
I love you Ma armastan sind
Can I help you Kas ma saan sind aidata?
I am sorry mul on kahju
I want to sleep ma tahan magada
This is very important See on väga oluline
Are you hungry Kas sa oled näljane?
How is your life Kuidas on teie elu?
I am going to study ma hakkan õppima
Estonian Vocabulary
Estonian Dictionary

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