My sentences in Finnish and English
‘My’ sentences in Finnish with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Finnish translation of My sentences and play My sentences quiz in Finnish language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Finnish sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Finnish language in an easy way. To learn Finnish language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

My sentences in Finnish and English
The list of 'My' sentences in Finnish language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Finnish translations.
My eyes are sore | silmäni ovat kipeät |
My eyes are tired | silmäni ovat väsyneet |
My eyes are watering | silmäni vuotavat |
My family is not very large | perheeni ei ole kovin suuri |
My father does not eat much fruit | isäni ei syö paljoa hedelmää |
My father has never been sick in his life | isäni ei ole koskaan eläessään ollut sairas |
My father is out | isäni on ulkona |
My father is suffering from cold | isäni kärsii kylmästä |
My father is tall | isäni on pitkä |
My mother was a farmer | äitini oli maanviljelijä |
My hair has grown too long | hiukseni ovat kasvaneet liian pitkiksi |
My headache has gone | päänsärkyni on mennyt |
My mother can't come | äitini ei voi tulla |
My mother died when I was a kid | äitini kuoli kun olin lapsi |
My mother gets up early | äitini herää aikaisin |
My eyes are sore | silmäni ovat kipeät |
My eyes are tired | silmäni ovat väsyneet |
My eyes are watering | silmäni vuotavat |
My family is not very large | perheeni ei ole kovin suuri |
My father does not eat much fruit | isäni ei syö paljoa hedelmää |
My father has never been sick in his life | isäni ei ole koskaan eläessään ollut sairas |
My father is out | isäni on ulkona |
My father is suffering from cold | isäni kärsii kylmästä |
My father is tall | isäni on pitkä |
My mother was a farmer | äitini oli maanviljelijä |
My hair has grown too long | hiukseni ovat kasvaneet liian pitkiksi |
My headache has gone | päänsärkyni on mennyt |
My mother can't come | äitini ei voi tulla |
My mother died when I was a kid | äitini kuoli kun olin lapsi |
My mother gets up early | äitini herää aikaisin |
My mother is always at home | äitini on aina kotona |
My sister has a job | siskollani on työpaikka |
My sister can swim very fast | siskoni osaa uida erittäin nopeasti |
My sister is famous | siskoni on kuuluisa |
My wife is a doctor | vaimoni on lääkäri |
My son is now as tall as I am | poikani on nyt yhtä pitkä kuin minä |
My son is small for his age | poikani on pieni ikäisekseen |
My stomach is full | vatsani on täynnä |
My strength is all gone | voimani ovat loppuneet |
My pulse is slow | pulssi on hidas |
My pleasure | ilo on minun puolellani |
My house is only a mile from here | taloni on vain kilometrin päässä täältä |
My grandmother lives by herself | isoäitini asuu yksin |
My house is a long way from here | kotini on kaukana täältä |
My father is in his room | isäni on huoneessaan |
‘My’ sentences in other languages (40+)
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