I sentences in Frisian and English
‘I’ sentences in Frisian with English pronunciation. Here you learn English to Frisian translation of I sentences and play I sentences quiz in Frisian language also play A-Z dictionary quiz. Here you can easily learn daily use common Frisian sentences with the help of pronunciation in English. It helps beginners to learn Frisian language in an easy way. To learn Frisian language, common vocabulary and grammar are the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life.

I sentences in Frisian and English
The list of 'I' sentences in Frisian language and their pronunciation in English. Here you learn the list of English sentence to Frisian translations.
I accepted her invitation | Ik naam har útnoeging oan |
I agree | Ik bin it dermei iens |
I agree with you | ik bin it mei dy iens |
I admire his talent | Ik bewûnderje syn talint |
I agree with your opinion | Ik bin it iens mei jo miening |
I am a student | Ik bin in studint |
I am going to study | ik sil studearje |
I am interested in swimming | Ik bin ynteressearre yn swimmen |
I am just going for a walk | Ik gean gewoan in kuier |
I am feeling tired today | Ik fiel my hjoed wurch |
I am glad to be with you | Ik bin bliid mei dy te wêzen |
I am not a teacher | Ik bin gjin learaar |
I am sorry | It muoit my |
I am talking with my mother | Ik praat mei myn mem |
I am thinking about my children | Ik tink oan myn bern |
I accepted her invitation | Ik naam har útnoeging oan |
I agree | Ik bin it dermei iens |
I agree with you | ik bin it mei dy iens |
I admire his talent | Ik bewûnderje syn talint |
I agree with your opinion | Ik bin it iens mei jo miening |
I am a student | Ik bin in studint |
I am going to study | ik sil studearje |
I am interested in swimming | Ik bin ynteressearre yn swimmen |
I am just going for a walk | Ik gean gewoan in kuier |
I am feeling tired today | Ik fiel my hjoed wurch |
I am glad to be with you | Ik bin bliid mei dy te wêzen |
I am not a teacher | Ik bin gjin learaar |
I am sorry | It muoit my |
I am talking with my mother | Ik praat mei myn mem |
I am thinking about my children | Ik tink oan myn bern |
I am very pleased to meet you | Ik bin tige bliid dy te moetsjen |
I apologize if I hurt your feelings | Ik ferûntskuldigje my as ik sear jo gefoelens |
I arrived there too early | Ik kaam der te betiid oan |
I believe you | Ik leau dy |
I bought it last week | Ik kocht it ferline wike |
I can do this job | Ik kin dit wurk dwaan |
I can run faster | Ik kin hurder rinne |
I can sing well | Ik kin goed sjonge |
I can speak English | ik kin Ingelsk prate |
I can swim | ik kin swimme |
I can’t believe it | Ik kin it net leauwe |
I can't come | Ik kin net komme |
I can't follow you | Ik kin dy net folgje |
I can't agree with you | Ik kin it net mei dy iens wêze |
I can't remember his name | Ik kin syn namme net ûnthâlde |
I can't hear you | Ik kin dy net hearre |
I can't see anything | Ik kin neat sjen |
I didn't like it | Ik fûn it net leuk |
I disagree with you | Ik bin it net mei dy iens |
I do not understand | ik befetsje it net |
I don’t know | Ik wit it net |
I don't have any money | Ik haw gjin jild |
I don't like the color | Ik fyn de kleur net leuk |
I had a good idea | Ik hie in goed idee |
I like it very much | Ik fyn it prachtich |
I need more time | Ik haw mear tiid nedich |
I want to sleep | Ik wol sliepe |
I wish you good luck | ik winskje dy in protte lok |
‘I’ sentences in other languages (40+)
Top 1000 Frisian words
Here you learn top 1000 Frisian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Frisian meanings with transliteration.
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