Politics vocabulary words in Frisian and English - Common Frisian Vocabulary

Learn common Frisian vocabulary with this English-to-Frisian list of Politics vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Frisian language skills through popular words and play Frisian quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Frisian language, then the 1000 most common Frisian words will help you to learn the Frisian language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Politics vocabulary words in Frisian.

Politics vocabulary words in Frisian and English - Common Frisian Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Politics vocabulary words in Frisian with English Pronunciation

Learn Politics in Frisian, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Frisian vocabulary for daily conversations.

Politics vocabulary words - Frisian

Absolutism absolutisme
Activist aktivist
Advisor adviseur
Advocacy advocacy
Agitation agitaasje
Agrarian agrarysk
Agreement oerienkomst
Amity amity
Assembly gearkomste
Authority autoriteit
Awareness besef
Civilization beskaving
Classism klassisme
Coalition koalysje
Cohabitation gearhing
Collusion gearspanning
Colonial koloniale
Committee komitee
Communism kommunisme
Confederacy konfederaasje
Conference konferinsje
Conflict konflikt
Constitution grûnwet
Convention konvinsje
Corruption korrupsje
Council ried
Country lân
Countryman lânsman
Court rjochtbank
Crisis krisis
Culture kultuer
Debate debat
Delegation delegaasje
Democracy demokrasy
Demonstration demonstraasje
Deprecate ôfskriuwe
Deputize deputearre
Despotic despotysk
Diplomacy diplomasy
Dissenter dissenter
Donation donaasje
Duty plicht
Dynasty dynasty
Economy ekonomy
Election ferkiezing
Elective karfak
Elite elite
Embargo embargo
Embassy ambassade
Emblem embleem
Emigrant emigrant
Empire ryk
Enrolment ynskriuwing
Environment miljeu
Equality gelikensens
Escape ûntsnappe
Executive liedingjaand
Expenditure útjeften
Faction fraksje
Federation federaasje
Fund fûns
Government regear
Inauguration ynauguraasje
Income ynkommen
Inflation ynflaasje
Institution ynstelling
Leader lieder
Legation legaasje
Liberal liberaal
Limpet limpet
Lobbyist lobbyist
Mandate mandaat
Member lid
Mutuality wjersidigens
News nijs
Obeisance obeisance
Objector beswierman
Oligarchy oligarchy
Opposition opposysje
Pact pakt
Parliament parlemint
Patrician patrizysk
Policy belied
Politics polityk
Population befolking
Preside foarsitterje
Prison gefangenis
Proletarian proletarian
Promulgate ferkundigje
Proponent foarstanner
Provoke provosearje
Racialism rasisme
Recant recant
Recapture weromhelje
Recuse recuse
Reform herfoarming
Relationship relaasje
Republic republyk
Requisition rekwisysje
Royalty keninklikens
Sanction sanksje
Society maatskippij
Statute statút
Success sukses
Tax belesting
Theory teory
Value wearde
Voting stimmen
War oarloch
Welfare wolwêzen
Wield wied

Top 1000 Frisian words

Here you learn top 1000 Frisian words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Frisian meanings with transliteration.

Eat ite
All alle
New nij
Snore snorke
Fast fluch
Help help
Pain pine
Rain rein
Pride grutskens
Sense sin
Large grut
Skill feardigens
Panic panyk
Thank tankje
Desire begearen
Woman frou
Hungry hongerich

Daily use Frisian Sentences

Here you learn top Frisian sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Frisian meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Goedei
What is your name Hoe hyst do
What is your problem Wat is dyn probleem?
I hate you Ik haat dy
I love you Ik hâld fan dy
Can I help you Kin ik dy helpe?
I am sorry It muoit my
I want to sleep Ik wol sliepe
This is very important Dit is tige wichtich
Are you hungry Binne jo honger?
How is your life Hoe is dyn libben?
I am going to study ik sil studearje
Frisian Vocabulary
Frisian Dictionary

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