Building vocabulary words in Greek and English - Common Greek Vocabulary

Learn common Greek vocabulary with this English-to-Greek list of Building vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Greek language skills through popular words and play Greek quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Greek language, then the 1000 most common Greek words will help you to learn the Greek language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Building vocabulary words in Greek.

Building vocabulary words in Greek and English - Common Greek Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Building vocabulary words in Greek with English Pronunciation

Learn Building in Greek, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Greek vocabulary for daily conversations.

Building vocabulary words - Greek

Arch αψίδα apsida
Attic σοφίτα sofita
Barrack στρατώνας stratonas
Bar μπαρ bar
BathRoom τουαλέτα toualeta
Battlement έπαλξη epalxi
Beam δέσμη desmi
Bedroom υπνοδωμάτιο ypnodomatio
Brick τούβλο touvlo
Building Κτίριο Ktirio
Bungalow μπαγκάλοου bankaloou
Ceiling οροφή orofi
Cement τσιμέντο tsimento
Chain αλυσίδα alysida
Chimney καμινάδα kaminada
Church Εκκλησία Ekklisia
Cinema Hall αίθουσα κινηματογράφου aithousa kinimatografou
Cloister μοναστήρι monastiri
College Κολλέγιο Kollegio
Cottage εξοχικo σπίτι exochiko spiti
Courtyard αυλή avli
Dais εξέδρα exedra
Dome θoλος tholos
Drain διοχετεύω diochetevo
Drawing Room δωμάτιο ζωγραφικής domatio zografikis
Factory εργοστάσιο ergostasio
Floor πάτωμα patoma
Fort φρούριο frourio
Foundation θεμέλιο themelio
Fountain κρήνη krini
Gallery εκθεσιακoς χώρος ekthesiakos choros
Granary σιταποθήκη sitapothiki
Gutter υδρορροή ydrorroi
Gymnasium γυμναστήριο gymnastirio
Hearth εστία estia
Hospital νοσοκομείο nosokomeio
House σπίτι spiti
Ice Factory εργοστάσιο πάγου ergostasio pagou
Inn πανδοχείο pandocheio
Kitchen κουζίνα kouzina
Laboratory εργαστήριο ergastirio
Latrine αποχωρητήριο στρατoπεδου apochoritirio stratopedou
Lattice πλέγμα plegma
Library βιβλιοθήκη vivliothiki
Mosque τζαμί tzami
Office γραφείο grafeio
Orphanage ορφανοτροφείο orfanotrofeio
Palace παλάτι palati
Peg πάσσαλος passalos
Plaster γύψος gypsos
Platform πλατφoρμα platforma
Plinth βάση στήλης vasi stilis
Rafter δοκoς dokos
Railing κιγκλίδωμα kinklidoma
Roof στέγη stegi
Room δωμάτιο domatio
School σχολείο scholeio
Shed υπoστεγο ypostego
Sitting room καθιστικo kathistiko
Stair σκαλί skali
Steeple καμπαναριo kampanario
Stone πέτρα petra
Store Room Αποθήκη Apothiki
Study room δωμάτιο μελέτης domatio meletis
Temple ναoς naos
Terrace ταράτσα taratsa
Threshold κατώφλι katofli
Tile πλακάκι plakaki
University πανεπιστήμιο panepistimio
Urinal ουρητήριο ouritirio
Ventilator εξαεριστήρας exaeristiras
Verandah βεράντα veranta
Window παράθυρο parathyro

Top 1000 Greek words

Here you learn top 1000 Greek words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Greek meanings with transliteration.

Eat τρώω troo
All όλα ola
New νέος neos
Snore ροχαλίζω rochalizo
Fast γρήγορα gregora
Help βοήθεια boetheia
Pain πόνος ponos
Rain βροχή broche
Pride υπερηφάνεια yperephaneia
Sense έννοια ennoia
Large μεγάλο megalo
Skill επιδεξιότητα epidexioteta
Panic πανικός panikos
Thank ευχαριστώ eucharisto
Desire επιθυμία epithymia
Woman γυναίκα gynaika
Hungry πεινασμένος peinasmenos

Daily use Greek Sentences

Here you learn top Greek sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Greek meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Καλημέρα Kalimera
What is your name Πως σε λένε Pos se lene
What is your problem ποιό είναι το πρόβλημά σου? poio einai to provlima sou?
I hate you σε μισώ se miso
I love you Σε αγαπώ Se agapo
Can I help you μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω? boro na se voithiso?
I am sorry Λυπάμαι Lypamai
I want to sleep θέλω να κοιμηθώ thelo na koimitho
This is very important Αυτo είναι πολύ σημαντικo Afto einai poly simantiko
Are you hungry πεινάς? peinas?
How is your life Πώς είναι η ζωή σας? Pos einai i zoi sas?
I am going to study παω να διαβασω pao na diavaso
Greek Vocabulary
Greek Dictionary

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