Religion vocabulary words in Guarani and English - Common Guarani Vocabulary
Learn common Guarani vocabulary with this English-to-Guarani list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Guarani language skills through popular words and play Guarani quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Guarani language, then the 1000 most common Guarani words will help you to learn the Guarani language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Guarani.

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar
List of Religion vocabulary words in Guarani with English Pronunciation
Learn Religion in Guarani, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Guarani vocabulary for daily conversations.
Religion vocabulary words - Guarani
Acolyte | acólito rehegua |
Adulteress | kuña oporomoakãratĩva |
Angel | tupãremimbou |
Anointed | unhído |
Apologist | disculpa ojeruréva |
Apostasy | apostasía rehegua |
Atonement | expiación rehegua |
Baptise | emongarai |
Basilica | basílica rehegua |
Beatification | beatificación rehegua |
Belief | jeroviapy |
Canonical | canónico rehegua |
Ceremonial | ceremonial rehegua |
Chapel | capilla-pe |
Chastity | tekopotĩ |
Christian | cristiano |
Church | Tupão |
Cloister | claustro rehegua |
Conclave | cónclave rehegua |
Confession | confesión rehegua |
Conformist | conformista rehegua |
Congregation | kongregasiónpe |
Consecrate | okonsagrávo |
Contrition | contrición rehegua |
Crucifix | kurusu rehegua |
Cult | culto rehegua |
Damnation | condenación rehegua |
Deceitful | ombotavýva |
Deity | tupãnguéra |
Demon | aña |
Devil | aña |
Dignitary | dignatario rehegua |
Divine | tupã rehegua |
Epiphany | epifanía rehegua |
Exegesis | exegesis rehegua |
Expiate | expiación rehegua |
Faith | jerovia |
Faithless | jerovia’ỹva |
Fetish | fetiche rehegua |
Fiend | fiend |
Fornication | hekovai |
Friar | fraile |
Genesis | génesis rehegua |
Gentile | gentil rehegua |
God | ñandejára |
Hallowed | oñemomarangatu |
Heathen | paganokuéra |
Heaven | ára |
Hell | añaretã |
Heresy | herejía rehegua |
Hermitage | ermita rehegua |
Hindi | hindi |
Holiness | marangatu rehegua |
Holy | imarangatu |
Hymnal | himno rehegua |
Idolatry | ta’ãnga ñemomba’eguasu |
Immolation | inmolación rehegua |
Incumbent | oîva ko’ágã |
Infidelity | infidelidad rehegua |
Inquisitor | inquisidor rehegua |
Interdict | ombotove |
Intone | tono rehegua |
Invocation | invocación rehegua |
Lecher | lecher rehegua |
Lectern | lectern rehegua |
Legate | legado rehegua |
Legation | legación rehegua |
Litany | litania rehegua |
Liturgy | liturgia rehegua |
Lord | karai |
Majesty | majestad rehegua |
Malefactor | mba’e vai apoha |
Marvel | maravilla |
Miracle | jehupavẽkatu |
Monastic | monástico rehegua |
Mortify | mortificar rehegua |
Mosque | mezquita rehegua |
Mourner | ñembyasy |
Mundane | mundano rehegua |
Muslim | musulmán |
Nave | nave rehegua |
Nectar | néctar rehegua |
Nirvana | nirvana rehegua |
Nonbeliever | ndogueroviáiva |
Nunnery | monja róga |
Oath | ñe'ẽme'ẽ |
Obedience | iñe’ẽrendu |
Officiate | oficia |
Omen | augurio rehegua |
Omnipotent | opa mba’e ipu’akapáva |
Oracular | oracular rehegua |
Oratory | oratorio rehegua |
Ordination | ordenación rehegua |
Orthodoxy | ortodoxia rehegua |
Pantheon | panteón rehegua |
Papal | papal rehegua |
Papist | papista rehegua |
Parish | parroquia rehegua |
Patriarch | patriarca rehegua |
Patriarchate | patriarcado rehegua |
Penance | penitencia rehegua |
Pilgrimage | peregrinación rehegua |
Pontiff | pontífice rehegua |
Porch | porche rehegua |
Prayer | ñembo’e |
Preach | opredika |
Preacher | predicador |
Priest | pa'i |
Primate | primate rehegua |
Priory | priorato rehegua |
Profane | profano rehegua |
Prophesy | oprofetisa |
Proselytize | oñeproselitávo |
Providence | providencia rehegua |
Psyche | psique rehegua |
Pulpit | púlpito rehegua |
Rapt | rapt |
Rebirth | heñói jey |
Recant | recant rehegua |
Recluse | oñemboyke haguã |
Rectory | rectorio rehegua |
Refectory | refectorio rehegua |
Relic | reliquia rehegua |
Religion | tupãjerovia |
Religiosity | religiosidad rehegua |
Reliquary | relicuario rehegua |
Remission | remisión rehegua |
Repent | peñearrepenti |
Reprobate | oñemboykéva |
Requiem | requiem rehegua |
Resurrect | omoingove jey |
Resuscitate | omoingove jey haguã |
Reverend | reverendo rehegua |
Revivalist | revivalista rehegua |
Rite | rito rehegua |
Rosary | rosario rehegua |
Sacrifice | jehasa'asy |
Secular | secular rehegua |
Seminarian | seminario-pegua |
Sermon | sermón rehegua |
Sermonize | sermoniza |
Shroud | sudario rehegua |
Sin | angaipa |
Spirit | ãnga |
Supplicant | ojeruréva |
Surplice | surplice rehegua |
Synod | sínodo rehegua |
Tabernacle | tabernáculo rehegua |
Taboo | tabú rehegua |
Tonsure | tonsura rehegua |
Transgress | transgresión rehegua |
Travail | travail rehegua |
Trespass | infracción rehegua |
Tribulation | jehasa asy |
Trinity | trinidad rehegua |
Trusting | ojeroviahápe |
Ungodly | iñañáva Ñandejárape |
Unholy | imarangatu’ỹva |
Unorthodox | ndaha’éiva ortodoxo |
Untouchable | ndojepokóiva hese |
Venerate | omomba’eguasu |
Veneration | veneración rehegua |
Verily | añetehápe |
Vow | ñe’ẽme’ẽ |
Worshipper | oadoráva |
Zealot | kyre’ỹ |
Top 1000 Guarani words
Here you learn top 1000 Guarani words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Guarani meanings with transliteration.
Daily use Guarani Sentences
Here you learn top Guarani sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Guarani meanings with transliteration.
Good morning | Mba'éichapa ndepyhare |
What is your name | Mba'éichapa nderéra |
What is your problem | Mbaʼépa nde provléma? |
I hate you | Che ndacha'éi nderehe |
I love you | Rohayhu |
Can I help you | Ikatúpa roipytyvõ? |
I am sorry | Che ñembyasy |
I want to sleep | Che akese |
This is very important | Upéva ningo iñimportanteterei |
Are you hungry | ¿Reñembyahýi piko? |
How is your life | Mba’éichapa nde rekove? |
I am going to study | Che aháta astudia |
Guarani Vocabulary

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