List of Prefix in Haitian creole and English

To learn Haitian creole language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Haitian creole translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Haitian creole Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Haitian creole language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Haitian creole.

List of Prefix in Haitian creole and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Haitian creole

Here is the list of prefixes in Haitian creole language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate dezaktive
Debate deba
Decade deseni
Decent desan
Decision desizyon
Declare deklare
Decode dekode
Decomposition dekonpozisyon
Decrease diminye
Deduction dediksyon
Default default
Defeat defèt
Defend defann
Deforest deforestasyon
Deformation deformation
Degeneration koripsyon
Demand demann


Disaccord dezakò
Disaffection dezafeksyon
Disagree pa dakò
Disappear disparèt
Disapprove dezapwouve
Discharge egzeyat
Discipline disiplin
Discompose dekonpoze
Discount rabè
Discover dekouvri
Displeasure mekontantman
Disqualify diskalifye


Exceed depase
Exchange echanj
Exhale rann souf
Explain eksplike
Explosion eksplozyon
Export ekspòtasyon


Impair andikape
Impassion pasyon
Implant implant
Import enpòte
Impossible enposib
Impress enpresyone
Improper move
Improve amelyore


Inaction inaksyon
Inactive inaktif
Inadequate ensifizan
Income revni
Incorrect kòrèk
Indirect endirèk
Insecure ensekirite
Inside anndan
Invisible envizib


Interaction entèraksyon
Interchange echanj
Intermission entèdiksyon
International entènasyonal
Internet entènèt
Interview entèvyou


Irradiation iradyasyon
Irrational irasyonèl
Irregular iregilye
Irrelevant pa enpòtan
Irreplaceable iranplasabl
Irreversible irevokabl


Midday midi
Midland midland
Midnight minwi
Midway mitan wout
Midwife fanmsaj


Misaligned misaligned
Misguide egare
Misinform mal enfòme
Mislead twonpe
Misplace mal plase
Misrule move règ
Misspelt mal eple
Mistake erè
Misunderstand mal konprann
Misuse move itilizasyon


Non existent ki pa egziste
Non pareil non pareil
Nonchalant nonchalant
Nonfiction nonfiksyon
Nonsense tenten
Nonstop san rete


Overcharge twòp chaj
Overcome simonte
Overflow debòde
Overlap sipèpoze
Overload surcharge
Overlook neglije
Overpower depase
Overrate overrate
Overrule anile


Predefine predefini
Prefix prefiks
Prehistory pre-istwa
Prepay peye davans
Prepossess prepoze
Prevail domine
Preview preview


Proactive aktif
Proceed kontinye
Proclaim pwoklame
Profess profese
Profit pwofi
Profound pwofon
Program pwogram
Progress pwogrè
Prolong prolonje


React reyaji
Reappear reparèt
Reclaim reprann
Recollect sonje
Recommendation rekòmandasyon
Reconsider rekonsidere
Recover refè
Redo refè
Rewrite reekri


Telecommunication telekominikasyon
Telegram telegram
Telepathic telepatik
Telephone telefòn
Telescope teleskòp
Television televizyon


Transfer transfere
Transform transfòme
Transgender transganr
Translation tradiksyon
Transparent transparan
Transport transpò


Undo defèt
Unequal inegal
Unhappy kontan
Unpack debake
Unseen pa wè
Unstable enstab
Unusual etranj


Update aktyalizasyon
Upgrade ajou
Uphill monte
Uphold defann
Upset fache
Upstairs anlè
Upward anlè

Top 1000 Haitian creole words

Here you learn top 1000 Haitian creole words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Haitian creole meanings with transliteration.

Eat manje
All tout
New nouvo
Snore ronfle
Fast vit
Help ede
Pain doulè
Rain lapli
Pride fyète
Sense sans
Large gwo
Skill konpetans
Panic panik
Thank mèsi
Desire dezi
Woman fanm
Hungry grangou

Daily use Haitian creole Sentences

Here you learn top Haitian creole sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Haitian creole meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonjou
What is your name Kijan ou rele
What is your problem Ki pwoblèm ou?
I hate you mwen RAYI'W
I love you Mwen renmen ou
Can I help you Eske mwen ka edew?
I am sorry Mwen regrèt
I want to sleep mwen vle domi
This is very important Sa a se trè enpòtan
Are you hungry Eske ou grangou?
How is your life Kòman lavi w ye?
I am going to study Mwen pral etidye
Haitian creole Vocabulary
Haitian creole Dictionary

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