Courses names in Haitian creole and English - Common Haitian creole Vocabulary

Learn common Haitian creole vocabulary with this English-to-Haitian creole list of Courses names. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Haitian creole language skills through popular words and play Haitian creole quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Haitian creole language, then the 1000 most common Haitian creole words will help you to learn the Haitian creole language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Courses vocabulary words in Haitian creole.

Courses names in Haitian creole and English - Common Haitian creole Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Courses names in Haitian creole with English Pronunciation

Learn Courses in Haitian creole, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Haitian creole vocabulary for daily conversations.

Courses names - Haitian creole

Aeronautic etid sou vòl lè
Agriculture etid agrikilti
Anatomy idantifikasyon ak deskripsyon estrikti kò bèt vivan yo
Animation etid desen, konsepsyon
Architecture desine yon gwo estrikti ak bilding
Automobile etid jeni
Aviation etid nan avyasyon
Biotechnology etid òganis byolojik
Business etid biznis
Business Administration etid nan administrasyon biznis
Ceramic etid seramik
Chartered Accountancy etid kontablite, odit, evalyasyon finansye
Choreography atizay pou kreye ak fè aranjman pou dans
Civil etid planifikasyon, konsepsyon, konstriksyon nan nenpòt bilding
Communication etid sou kominikasyon ak konpòtman moun
Computer Applications etid nan pwogram òdinatè
Computer Science etid nan òdinatè
Design etid konsepsyon
Drawing etid desen
Electrical etid sou aplikasyon elektrisite
Electronics etid aplikasyon mouvman elektwon yo
Event Management etid sou kreyasyon ak devlopman nan festival
Fabrics etid fib
Fashion Designing etid sou desen twal
Geology etid sou estrikti fizik latè
Graphics etid imaj vizyèl
Horticulture etid agrikilti ki fè fas ak atizay, syans, teknoloji
Hospitality etid sou tretman zanmitay nan vizitè yo
Information Technology etid sou itilizasyon òdinatè
Instrumentation etid enstriman mezi
Interior Design etid pou amelyore enteryè yon bilding
Journalism etid preparasyon ak koleksyon nouvèl mondyal
Law etid lalwa
Linguistic etid lang
Management Science etid sou pran desizyon nan òganizasyon yo
Mass Communication etid sou pwosesis pou kreye, voye, resevwa mesaj
Multimedia etid animasyon
Nursing etid sou fason pou byen pran swen moun ki malad
Nutrition etid sou sante manje ak rejim ekilibre
Painting etid penti
Palmistry etid palmistry
Petroleum etid likid andedan tè a
Pharmacy etid sou distribisyon medikaman medikal
Philosophy etid sou panse konsènan lanati ak etik
Photography etid pou pran foto
Physiology etid sou bèt vivan nan syans
Physiotherapy etid mouvman fizik
Psychology etid lespri ak konpòtman
Robotics etid nan robo
Sculpture etid eskilti
Social Work etid travay sosyal
Textile etid nan twal
Tourism Management etid endistri touris
Transportation etid transpò
Weaving etid tissage

Top 1000 Haitian creole words

Here you learn top 1000 Haitian creole words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Haitian creole meanings with transliteration.

Eat manje
All tout
New nouvo
Snore ronfle
Fast vit
Help ede
Pain doulè
Rain lapli
Pride fyète
Sense sans
Large gwo
Skill konpetans
Panic panik
Thank mèsi
Desire dezi
Woman fanm
Hungry grangou

Daily use Haitian creole Sentences

Here you learn top Haitian creole sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Haitian creole meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonjou
What is your name Kijan ou rele
What is your problem Ki pwoblèm ou?
I hate you mwen RAYI'W
I love you Mwen renmen ou
Can I help you Eske mwen ka edew?
I am sorry Mwen regrèt
I want to sleep mwen vle domi
This is very important Sa a se trè enpòtan
Are you hungry Eske ou grangou?
How is your life Kòman lavi w ye?
I am going to study Mwen pral etidye
Haitian creole Vocabulary
Haitian creole Dictionary

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