Religion vocabulary words in Haitian creole and English - Common Haitian creole Vocabulary

Learn common Haitian creole vocabulary with this English-to-Haitian creole list of Religion vocabulary words. Essential for daily conversations, this will help to build your Haitian creole language skills through popular words and play Haitian creole quizzes and also play picture vocabulary, play some games so you do get not bored. If you think too hard to learn the Haitian creole language, then the 1000 most common Haitian creole words will help you to learn the Haitian creole language easily, they contain 2-letter words to 13-letter words. The below table gives the translation of Religion vocabulary words in Haitian creole.

Religion vocabulary words in Haitian creole and English - Common Haitian creole Vocabulary

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Religion vocabulary words in Haitian creole with English Pronunciation

Learn Religion in Haitian creole, along with their English pronunciation. This vocabulary guide helps beginners and language enthusiasts expand their Haitian creole vocabulary for daily conversations.

Religion vocabulary words - Haitian creole

Acolyte akolit
Adulteress adiltè
Angel anj
Anointed wen
Apologist eskiz
Apostasy apostazi
Atonement ekspyasyon
Baptise batize
Basilica bazilik
Beatification beatifikasyon
Belief kwayans
Canonical kanonik
Ceremonial seremoni
Chapel chapèl
Chastity chastete
Christian kretyen
Church legliz
Cloister klois
Conclave konklav
Confession konfesyon
Conformist konfòme
Congregation kongregasyon
Consecrate konsakre
Contrition kontrisyon
Crucifix krisifik
Cult kil
Damnation kondanasyon
Deceitful twonpe
Deity divinite
Demon demon
Devil dyab
Dignitary diyitè
Divine divin
Epiphany epifani
Exegesis ekzegèz
Expiate ekspye
Faith lafwa
Faithless san lafwa
Fetish fetich
Fiend dyab
Fornication fònikasyon
Friar frè
Genesis jenèz
Gentile janti
God Bondye
Hallowed mete apa pou Bondye
Heathen payen
Heaven syèl la
Hell lanfè
Heresy erezi
Hermitage lermitaj
Hindi hindi
Holiness sentete
Holy apa pou Bondye
Hymnal kantik
Idolatry idolatri
Immolation imolasyon
Incumbent responsab
Infidelity enfidelite
Inquisitor enkizitè
Interdict entèdi
Intone entone
Invocation envokasyon
Lecher lecher
Lectern letrin
Legate legat
Legation legasyon
Litany litani
Liturgy litiji
Lord Seyè
Majesty majeste
Malefactor malfektè
Marvel sezi
Miracle mirak
Monastic monastik
Mortify mortifye
Mosque moske
Mourner lapenn
Mundane monden
Muslim mizilman
Nave nef
Nectar nèktar
Nirvana nirvana
Nonbeliever moun ki pa kwayan
Nunnery kourè
Oath sèman
Obedience obeyisans
Officiate ofisye
Omen presan
Omnipotent omnipoten
Oracular orakulèr
Oratory oratwa
Ordination òdinasyon
Orthodoxy òtodoksi
Pantheon panteon
Papal papal
Papist papist
Parish pawas
Patriarch patriyach
Patriarchate patriyaka
Penance penitans
Pilgrimage pelerinaj
Pontiff pontif
Porch galri
Prayer lapriyè
Preach preche
Preacher predikatè
Priest prèt
Primate primat
Priory priyorite
Profane profane
Prophesy pwofetize
Proselytize fè pwoselit
Providence pwovidans
Psyche psyche
Pulpit pulpit
Rapt rapte
Rebirth renesans
Recant refè
Recluse recluse
Rectory rektora
Refectory refekti
Relic rlik
Religion relijyon
Religiosity relijyon
Reliquary relikè
Remission remisyon
Repent repanti
Reprobate repwobasyon
Requiem requiem
Resurrect resisite
Resuscitate resisite
Reverend reveran
Revivalist revivalist
Rite rit
Rosary wozyè
Sacrifice sakrifis
Secular eksklizyon
Seminarian seminarisyen
Sermon prèch
Sermonize fè prèch
Shroud kavo
Sin peche
Spirit lespri
Supplicant sipliyan
Surplice surplis
Synod synod
Tabernacle tabènak
Taboo tabou
Tonsure tonsir
Transgress transgresyon
Travail travay
Trespass pase
Tribulation tribilasyon
Trinity trinite
Trusting fè konfyans
Ungodly mechan
Unholy profan
Unorthodox otodòks
Untouchable entouchable
Venerate venere
Veneration venerasyon
Verily an verite
Vow ve
Worshipper adoratè
Zealot zelo

Top 1000 Haitian creole words

Here you learn top 1000 Haitian creole words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Haitian creole meanings with transliteration.

Eat manje
All tout
New nouvo
Snore ronfle
Fast vit
Help ede
Pain doulè
Rain lapli
Pride fyète
Sense sans
Large gwo
Skill konpetans
Panic panik
Thank mèsi
Desire dezi
Woman fanm
Hungry grangou

Daily use Haitian creole Sentences

Here you learn top Haitian creole sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Haitian creole meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Bonjou
What is your name Kijan ou rele
What is your problem Ki pwoblèm ou?
I hate you mwen RAYI'W
I love you Mwen renmen ou
Can I help you Eske mwen ka edew?
I am sorry Mwen regrèt
I want to sleep mwen vle domi
This is very important Sa a se trè enpòtan
Are you hungry Eske ou grangou?
How is your life Kòman lavi w ye?
I am going to study Mwen pral etidye
Haitian creole Vocabulary
Haitian creole Dictionary

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