List of Prefix in Hausa and English

To learn Hausa language common vocabulary is one of the important sections. Common Vocabulary contains common words that we can used in daily life. Here you learn Prefix words in English with Hausa translation. If you are interested to learn the most common Hausa Prefix words, this place will help you to learn Prefix words in Hausa language with their pronunciation in English. Prefix words are used in daily life conversations, so it is very important to learn all words in English and Hausa.

List of Prefix in Hausa and English

Read also: A-Z Dictionary | Quiz | Vocabulary | Alphabets | Grammar

List of Prefix words in Hausa

Here is the list of prefixes in Hausa language with meanings and their pronunciation in English.


Deactivate kashewa
Debate muhawara
Decade shekaru goma
Decent m
Decision yanke shawara
Declare bayyana
Decode yanke hukunci
Decomposition bazuwar
Decrease rage
Deduction cirewa
Default tsoho
Defeat shan kashi
Defend kare
Deforest sare dazuzzuka
Deformation nakasawa
Degeneration lalata
Demand bukata


Disaccord rashin jituwa
Disaffection rashin tausayi
Disagree rashin yarda
Disappear bace
Disapprove rashin yarda
Discharge fitarwa
Discipline horo
Discompose warware
Discount rangwame
Discover gano
Displeasure rashin jin daɗi
Disqualify hana


Exceed wuce
Exchange musanya
Exhale fitar da numfashi
Explain bayyana
Explosion fashewa
Export fitarwa


Impair raunana
Impassion sha'awa
Implant dasa
Import shigo da
Impossible ba zai yiwu ba
Impress burge
Improper rashin dacewa
Improve inganta


Inaction rashin aiki
Inactive mara aiki
Inadequate bai isa ba
Income kudin shiga
Incorrect ba daidai ba
Indirect kaikaice
Insecure rashin tsaro
Inside ciki
Invisible ganuwa


Interaction hulɗa
Interchange musanya
Intermission tsaiko
International na duniya
Internet intanet
Interview hira


Irradiation hasken wuta
Irrational rashin hankali
Irregular rashin daidaituwa
Irrelevant maras dacewa
Irreplaceable wanda ba a iya maye gurbinsa ba
Irreversible wanda ba zai iya jurewa ba


Midday tsakar rana
Midland tsakiyar ƙasa
Midnight tsakar dare
Midway tsakiyar hanya
Midwife ungozoma


Misaligned ba daidai ba
Misguide bata
Misinform rashin fahimta
Mislead bata
Misplace kuskure
Misrule rashin mulki
Misspelt kuskure
Mistake kuskure
Misunderstand rashin fahimta
Misuse rashin amfani


Non existent babu
Non pareil ba paril
Nonchalant maras kyau
Nonfiction labarin almara
Nonsense shirme
Nonstop ba tsayawa


Overcharge wuce gona da iri
Overcome nasara
Overflow ambaliya
Overlap zoba
Overload wuce gona da iri
Overlook kau da kai
Overpower rinjaye
Overrate wuce gona da iri
Overrule wuce gona da iri


Predefine ƙaddara
Prefix prefix
Prehistory tarihin tarihi
Prepay biya kafin lokaci
Prepossess mallaka
Prevail rinjaye
Preview samfoti


Proactive m
Proceed ci gaba
Proclaim shela
Profess sana'a
Profit riba
Profound m
Program shirin
Progress ci gaba
Prolong tsawaita


React amsa
Reappear sake bayyana
Reclaim maido da
Recollect tuna
Recommendation shawarwarin
Reconsider sake tunani
Recover murmurewa
Redo sake gyara
Rewrite sake rubutawa


Telecommunication sadarwa
Telegram telegram
Telepathic telepathic
Telephone tarho
Telescope na'urar hangen nesa
Television talabijin


Transfer canja wuri
Transform canza
Transgender transgender
Translation fassarar
Transparent m
Transport sufuri


Undo warware
Unequal rashin daidaito
Unhappy rashin jin daɗi
Unpack cire kaya
Unseen gaibu
Unstable m
Unusual sabon abu


Update sabunta
Upgrade haɓakawa
Uphill sama
Uphold rike
Upset haushi
Upstairs a sama
Upward zuwa sama

Top 1000 Hausa words

Here you learn top 1000 Hausa words, that is separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, Medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These words are very important in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. All words have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Eat ci
All duka
New sabo
Snore kururuwa
Fast sauri
Help taimako
Pain zafi
Rain ruwan sama
Pride girman kai
Sense hankali
Large babba
Skill gwaninta
Panic tsoro
Thank na gode
Desire sha'awa
Woman mace
Hungry yunwa

Daily use Hausa Sentences

Here you learn top Hausa sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Hausa meanings with transliteration.

Good morning Barka da safiya
What is your name Menene sunanka
What is your problem menene matsalar ku?
I hate you na ki jinin ka
I love you Ina son ku
Can I help you zan iya taimaka muku?
I am sorry Yi hankuri
I want to sleep ina so in yi barci
This is very important Wannan yana da matukar muhimmanci
Are you hungry kuna jin yunwa?
How is your life yaya rayuwarka take?
I am going to study zan yi karatu
Hausa Vocabulary
Hausa Dictionary

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